Chapter 51

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Mike had texted me telling me they couldn't find Vic anywhere after Justin told me he was missing. I couldn't believe that they couldn't find him. Mike said that our hotel room we shared had been trashed and the water was running and blood was everywhere. I started hyperventilating. I didn't want Vic to be hurt at all.

Nothing is going the way it's supposed to. Vic has gone missing and his condition might worsen and Andy is probably getting more stressed. Mike is freaking out and my face is throbbing like hell. I don't get how Vic could punch his fiancé in the jaw. I thought he loved me, why would he do this then.

I walked around the town, looking for a place to go and eat or maybe get a drink. I've never really drank anything stronger than maybe one of Justin's Jamesons. I walked across the street and saw an open bar restaurant, it resembled T.G.I's. I went in and took a seat at an open table away from everyone in there.

I sat there for a while, I didn't want to order, but my stomach convinced me otherwise. I waved over to the waitress and she held up a finger, to tell me one second. I took my phone from my pocket and stared at my lock screen. It was the picture me and Vic took a few months back. I was making a goofy face and he was looking very cheerful. I smiled softly before the waiter came over.

"May I get you something dear?"

"Um yes, can I get a beer with some fries?"

"One beer and chips coming straight up." I thanked her as she walked away. I waited patiently, it was several minutes before she brought my food and beer. I took a sip or my beer and began to eat my fries. I was nearly finished when I got a text.

'From Vic:

Can you come help me? I miss you.'

This irritated me, why does he need my help now. I wanted to help him when he was sitting there hitting me. But he was my fiancé and I love him too much to just ignore his cry for help.

'What's wrong?'

'I-I can't stop it.' My jaw dropped down, stinging with pain I closed it. What does he mean he can't stop it.

'Where are you?'

'Behind the hotel.'

I instantly got up and reached $50 from my wallet and handed it to my waitress. I ran through the streets to get to the hotel. Pushing any and everyone out of my way. I saw the top of the hotel a few blocks over, I didn't stop running.

I finally got to the front and remembered Vic said he was behind it. I found an alleyway that led to the back, and there he was. Covered in his own throw up, maybe this was what he couldn't stop.


"Kellin!" He tried to stand up and stumbled back down.

I saw blood drip from his leg and onto the ground. I went around to it and there was a puddle of it.

"I love you." He smiled guiltily.

"Your drunk?" Of course it makes sense.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you." I reached for him and he caressed his hand over my bruised jaw.

"It's alright. Now come on, let's get you to the doctor."

"I don't want to go. Let me die." He begged.

"No, I won't let you." I told him, getting annoyed at his drunkenness.

"Kellin, I want to die." I looked at his face, he was serious. I began to sob, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

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