Chapter 33

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We walked around trying to find a decent store, or at least a Hot Topic. Ashley would say 'Ashley Purdy wears nothing but black.' he was becoming more stubborn than Vic. We went all around the town looking for a store and didn't find one.

"Ashley come on, you can't expect to keep up your image while on vacation do you?" I asked. He looked at me like I shot him.

"Image means nothing. It's the principle." He whined.

"Yeah, yeah. But you're on vacation. I'll tell you what. We'll go into the next clothing store we see and whatever you pick out I'll wear it too." His eyes screamed fear at my bargain.

"Fine." He agreed with a huff.

We walked around for at least five more minutes before seeing one. It had tropical shirts with flowers on them and weird shorts. There were no pants whatsoever and I instantly thought this was hell. Me and Ashley weren't the type of dudes who would wear shorts, at least not in public.

I took a deep breath and sighed as I walked in followed by Ashley.

"What the hell did I get myself into." He started looking around.

It was like a surf shack. It held swim suits, thermal wear for surfers, and tropical shirts and flowers for tourists. I went over to one of the racks and searched through it. I found a blue shirt I grew very fond of, Ashley picked out a purple shirt with pink flowers on it.

"Real manly." I teased.

"Fuck you Quinn." He snapped back.

"You already did." I smirked at him but instantly changed my expression when I realized what I said.

"Watch it." Was all he said before turning back and looking through the clothes.

We picked through more of the clothes. Ashley was beginning to get picky with the things he saw.

"I don't want any that have red on them and if it has purple on it then I want it." He picked up a red shirt and squealed and dropped it to the floor.

"Stop being such a drama queen." I was getting a bit annoyed at him.

"I just want to get shirts I like if I'm going to have to wear then." I sighed knowing he was right.

We had finally got him a week worth of clothes. He was free to borrow some of my skinny jeans as long as we could hurry up and leave. I didn't like shopping and doing it made me uncomfortable.

"Ready to check out?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded going over to the cashier.

"I'll pay." I told him.

"Why? I can do it." He tried to take out his wallet but I was already ahead of him.

"I just want to get out of here. I'm hungry anyways." I lied. He wrapped his arms around me and I turned my head to look at him and instantly met his lips.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too." I sighed turning back to the cashier and paying.

We left the store and stopped by the hotel to drop our bags off before going to get something to eat. Ashley held my hand as we left from the hotel to go eat. I couldn't help but to think how Vic would hold my waist instead of my hand, when we walked. I looked at Ashley who was already looking at me smiling.

This was going to be a rough vacation.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

When I woke up Vic was still in the bed. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating off onto mine. I wanted to stay like this forever. I carefully looked up at him to see he was still sleep. I took out my phone and saw it was 1 in the afternoon now. I put it back into my pocket and just closed my eyes as I wanted to stay like this.

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