Chapter Fourteen

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Well this is just fucking great. I'm losing my BestFriend because he can't fucking get his shit straight. I mean going unconscious is not cool, I'm pissed and scared as hell at the same time.

Me and Kellin get to the airport and run like hell to get on the next plane to Texas.

"What the hell do you mean?" I was highly pissed.

"Sorry sir, but the last plane to Texas took off an hour ago and the next one isn't until tonight." the stewardess looked pretty sorry.

"What the fuck are we going to do now?" Kellin looked at me.

"Get in the car." I demanded. "We're gonna ducking driving there."

I can't believe this, I need to see my best friend right now. We ran to the car, I hopped in the driver's seat and Kellin got in, I pressed down on the gas. It was like a scene from the Fast & Furious as we took off. Kellin was scared like hell holding the seat and side of the door.

"Vic slow down, Andy will be there when we get to Texas." He looked at me with such fear.

"I can't lose my best friend. I can't lose people I love." He put his hand on my leg.

I looked at him, "it'll be okay babe. I'm here."

I leaned over and kissed him taking my eyes off the road for a second. Next thing I know the car was turning flips and kellin was screaming. I opened my eyes to find a man asking what my name was.

"I'm Vic. Is Kellin alright? Kellin!!" I screamed and tried to sit up.

"He's fine, you're the one who has been passed out for twenty minutes." I looked at him with confusion.

"I'm fine." I tried to sit up again and he pushed me back down.

"We have to get you to a hospital." he pointed to my bleeding rib and cut on my head.

"No I won't let you." I shook my head trying to get up once more.

"Sir, please?" He looked concerned.

"I'll go if you air lift me to the hospital to where my friend is. He's really hurt worse than me, I just want to see him. Please?" I began to cry.

"Fine. We'll do the best we can." he smiled at me.

"Thank you." He and another fellow picked me up and put me on a stretcher leading me to the ambulance.

Kellin climbed in and held my hand. I saw he only had a scratch on his face and some bleeding wounds on his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. We get to see Andy." I told him with a smile.

"Really? How?" he was a bit anxious.

"They're gonna airlift me to the hospital he's in." I was so excited.

"That's great." he leaned in and kissed me.

The man whom agreed to taking me to see Andy said something to Kellin as he eyed me.

"I'm sorry sir, but if we are going to air lift you we have to put you under." He started turning the tank nobs and getting the mask ready.

I became worried, "We'll see Andy soon okay?" Kellin told me as they put the mask over my face.

"Okay." I agreed. And within a few seconds I was out.

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