Chapter 46

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'Hows you're date?'

Andy was checking up on things with me and Kellin. I hadn't yet asked him to marry me yet, but I will. I want him to belong to me and me only. That way if we have a disagreement or fight, he and it can always remember we have each other.

'Stop being nosey. But it's going great, I'm going to ask him in a while.'

I terrified to ask him but I knew I had to.

'Not being nosey, just supervising. And you should record his reaction.'

That wasn't a bad idea. I could put that with the wedding footage.

'Whatever. And I'll consider that thanks.'

'No problem, don't back out. And if you cry you have to buy me 2 packs of cigarettes.' I laughed at his foolishness.

"Is that Andy again?" Kellin must have known I was texting him again.

"Yeah, I was seeing how his date with Ashley went." I covered.

'I'll buy some on my way home. How'd your date go?'

"Really? How'd it go? Are they together?" He was as anxious as I was.

'It went great if you must know Mr. Nosey. We are back together and I couldn't be more happy.'

I showed Kellin the text and fell back awe-ing how beautiful it was.

'That's great Andy. Well I got to get back to my date. See you later.'

'Good Luck.'

"They are too cute. I wonder when they'll come out to their fans? Remember when we did?" I vaguely remembered.

I do remember how much love we go from the PTV and SWS fans who supported Kellic before we even got together. Sometimes we would get hate mail and stuff but after a while we got mad support. Posting pictures of us facetiming and spending time together, the fans loved it.

"Yeah, I remember." He came over to me and sat in between my legs. I laid back as he turned over so he was laying on my chest.

"You think they'll make it through?" I shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know, but we can hope so." He crossed his arms over my chest and laid his head on them so he was looking at me.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too."

He sighed dreamily and laid back down. I didn't know if right now was the perfect time or not to ask him. I just hope he doesn't reject me, Andy said he wouldn't but I don't know. He did freak out when I started talking about kids, will this time be any different?

I looked up at the sky and watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. I felt me and Kellin's hearts beating in such perfect harmony. This was just a perfect night, why not make it better? The time is now, and I will not put it off any longer.

"Hey Kells, get up for a minute." He rose and curiously cocked his head to the side.

"What's wrong Vic?" I took his hands.

"Close your eyes and don't open then until I say so. Okay?" He nodded. I kissed him firmly and stood up.

I took my phone out of my pocket, picked the basket up, and walked a feet away. I laid the basket down and stood my phone up against it. I turned the camera on and pressed record. I focused it so it could get me and Kellin good enough. I stepped back to make sure it was right.

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