Chapter 45

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I didn't want to go on this date that much, but I knew I had to. It was either go or suffer by listening to him go on about how I never talk to him. We left the hotel and had to catch a taxi, apparently it would take us a while to get there.

I climbed in with Ashley coming in through the other side. He watched me get in, he couldn't stop smiling.

"You're creeping me out." He blushed and turned away.

"Sorry." He looked out the window as we started to go.

"Where to boys?" The driver asked looking through the rear view mirror.

"Uh, Manchester please." The driver nodded and Ashley went back to staring out the window.

I felt bad for treating him like this but he deserved it. He treated me coldly before when I did nothing to him. Now this was my chance to get even.

"It's not polite to stare." He said in a flat tone.

I didn't even know that I was still staring at him. I took my phone out of my jacket pocket and texted Vic.

'How's everything going with you and Kellin?'

It didn't take him long to reply.

'Great. Thanks for helping me set this up. And also I meant to tell you this before but, Austin convinced me. I'm going to ask him.'

I felt my chest collapse Vic was really going to do it. I suddenly felt bad and sorry for Kellin because he was going to ask Vic. Maybe I should just let Vic ask because it'll be better coming from him. And plus, he may suspect something if Kellin asked.

'Good Luck. I know he's going to say yes.'

'Thanks. Are you on that date with Ashley yet?'

I had told him about it earlier while we were out.

'Yeah, we're going to the place now.'

'Andy be nice to him please. He loves you and he just wants to show you.'

I hate when he starts to lecture me about what I do. I mostly hate when he's fucking right. But I don't give a damn.

'Why? He hurt me worst than I did him. Aren't you still mad at Kellin?'

'Yes, I am still mad at him. But when you love someone you forgive them and just take their word for it when they say it won't happen again.'

I looked over at Ashley who still had his head pressed against the window. He had crossed his arms and I could see his eyes glistening. Was he crying?

'Fine. But if he fucks up then I'm coming after your ass.'

'Lol okay. Have fun.'

'Alright you too. And don't use the word Lol it's weird.'

'Lol I'm sorry.'

Ugh, what am I going to do with this goofball. I put my phone back in my jacket pocket and moved closer to Ashley. He looked up surprised.

"What are you doing?" He scolded me and went back to looking out the window.

"I was going to see if you wanted to cuddle, but fuck it now." I teased in a fake anger tone.

His head popped up from the window and he scooted over a little closer to me. He laid his head on my shoulder as he hung to my arm.

"We're almost there." The cab driver told us as the lights around us became more blinding.

"Andy I'm sorry." Ashley whispered against my shoulder.

"Stop apologizing Ashley." I told him. He got quiet and I thought that I might have upset him. "I've already forgiven you."

"Really?" I saw a glimpse of his smile.

"Yeah, I just don't know if I can trust you enough for us to work." I confessed. He sat up and held my hand.

"Andy, I love you. I promise I won't do it again. I'll do anything to have you back. Please just give me a chance." He begged. I chuckled at his effort. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing it's just, I can't believe I'm going to say this. But okay." I told him. He seemed scared but smiled.

"Okay what?" He looked so precious when he was vulnerable.

"Okay I'll give you another chance." He smiled and jumped in my arms.

"Thank you. Thank you Andy. I love you." He started kissing my cheek and I moved my head so our lips could meet.

"We're here." The driver said catching our attention and we settled down.

Ashley paid him and came to my side, taking my hand he pulled me into the restaurant.

"Table for Purdy." He told the lady at the podium.

"Yes, right this way." She picked up two menus and carried them with her as she guided us to our table. We sat down and she handed us our menu. "May I get you anything to drink?"

"Yes, can you get us some wine please?" Ashley said. She nodded and walked away.

"Wine? I'm fine with water or Dr. Pepper. You didn't have to get that." I told him.

"Yes I did. Tonight is going to be special, because I'm with someone who is so special to me. I'm going to make tonight perfect for you." I wanted to cry. He was being such a gentleman.

"Thank you." I leaned across the table and kissed him. I pulled away and sat down before he could kiss back in case we got a little carried away.

"You deserve it." He smiled at me. There was a man who came with the wine and glasses. He poured us a glass and asked us what we wanted. Ashley ordered the steak and got me a lobster.

We talked all night about how much we missed each other and how foolish we were to each other. He made me feel special, he told me how countless nights he couldn't dream of anything but me. I really loved that I gave him another chance, it was worth it.

"Andy, I feel like I must tell you this. Because I want to put everything in the past and leave it behind us." He had been doing soo well, but I knew this would come up.

"Okay." I urged him on.

"When I did those things with Kellin, it was only because I felt unwanted by you. You started to avoid me and everything when you got out the hospital. Kellin was there for me, and I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. And I'm sorry and I wouldn't want to be with him or anyone. I just want to be with you." He had started crying and could barely choke the last few words out.

I grabbed hold of his hand and lightly rubbed my thumb over his. "It's okay Ashley. I understand. Let's this just put all of this behind us and move on. I'm tired of talking about what happened. It happened and I know we can never truly move on if we don't forget about it. I love you and I just want to move forward." He nodded in understanding.

We finished our conversations and food, we didn't leave yet we just stared intently at each other. Looking into each other's eyes and smiling. We sat that way for nearly ten minutes, i'd continue to stare at him for ten years if I could.

It's official I am in love with him, my anger has subsided and I will follow him to the end of the world.

After sitting quietly, Ashley was ready to go home. He paid for everything and when he wasn't looking I put $100 on the table. We left the restaurant and caught a cab home. I decided to text Vic and see how everything with him and Kellin was going.

'How's you're date?'

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