Chapter 27

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I was happy the guys decided to go away for a while. All the drama, tension, and commotion they were causing was getting in the way of the band. It's been going on like this since Andy got out of the hospital. I, quiet frankly, don't like the idea of them dating at all.

I was excited to know that they did like and have feelings for each other. But keeping it a secret from the public and having relationship problems are just too much. If this has to go on any longer I will, unfortunately, have to quit.

I forgot I was walking around with Justin and Jinxx until they snapped me back to reality.

"CC! You okay? You ready to go back to the bus?" Jinxx asked seeming concerned.

"Uh yeah I'm okay. But sure let's go back. I could use a nap before we go to that party tonight." We started laughing then started walking the direction to the buses.

When we got to Justin's bus, we walked in trying to look for Vic or Kellin to ask if they wanted to go. The bus was empty and their suitcases were packed.

"They must be getting ready for that getaway." Justin assumed.

We jumped off his bus and headed to mine and Jinxx's bus. I opened the door and ran up the stairs to see no one there.

"Where is everybody?" Jinxx asked going to the kitchen area.

"I don't know, but hey isn't this Ashley's phone?" Justin asked as he picked up the black phone off the couch.

"Yeah, I think so." I turned it over and confirmed it was his from the hello kitty bow attached to the black casing.

"Woah, something's going on." Jinxx said pointing to the bedroom door.

Me and Justin stepped closer and could hear moaning through the door.

"They must have made up. Who wants to scare them?" I suggested. The guys raised their hands. They began to snicker as I put my hand on the door knob and turned it.

Screaming was the first thing we heard.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

After buying my shoes I went back over to Hot Topic to find Andy. He wasn't there anymore, I tried to find my phone to call him, but I remembered he had it.

"Dammit." I mumbled to myself. I decided to go to the food court to wait because this mall is too huge to look for him. I sat down feeling very nauseous and my head began to pound. Maybe I was just catching something. I waited for what seemed like fifteen minutes until I saw Andy coming my way struggling carry 6 bags.

"Hey loser." He said with a smirk as he say down.

"Hey sissy, where's my phone?" I snapped back. He took it out his jacket pocket and handed it to me. "Thanks. So what store did you not go in?" I asked pointing towards the bags.

"Ohh, it's just some things I needed. Most of them aren't clothes, so no worries. Anyways, did you eat already?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"No, I was waiting to get my phone from you." He made a sad face and lowered his head.

"Sorry." And he took his phone from his pocket and laid it on the table. "Well do you want to eat now?"

I wondered was I hungry, if I wasn't I could just save it for later. "Sure." I answered.

We walked over to the businesses across the court. I waited in line with him as he got two large slices of pizza with a Dr. Pepper. I helped him carry his food as he went to lay it down so he could come and wait in line with me. I went to subway, I was getting tired of the rockstar diet that consisted of tacos, pizza, and other unhealthy junk. After getting my cold cut footlong and Dr. Pepper I went over to the table with Andy close behind, so we could eat.

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