Chapter Seventeen

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As I sat in the hallway 3 doors down from Andy's room I distinctively heard cries. I was truly petrified that something was wrong with Andy. I turned to my side and looked at Vic and Kellin. They were so happy with each other and in love. I wanted me and Andy to be that way for soo long. I forced my gaze to go to my feet as they kissed each other. This made my stomach churn at the thought we may not be like that.

"It'll be okay Ashley." Vic said as he held on to Kellin's hand.

"I know I just wish I could see him." I was holding myself back from him.

"He wants to see you. Why don't you just go and stick your head through the door and wave or something." Kellin commented.

"Kells, I don't even think I can do that. It's my fault he ended up like this." I forced myself not to cry.

"Don't beat yourself up over this buddy. You know what? We'll go in with you. Come on!" He stood up and began to push Vic.

"I can't." I sat there

"Ashley you aren't just hurting yourself you're hurting him too." Vic grabbed my arm. "Come on, please?"

"Fine." This made him and Kellin smile.

Kellin helped me up and returned back to pushing Vic. As we got closer the slower I began to walk. Just 5 feet more to walk. Suddenly we heard the elevator ding, a woman in heels was running. We turned around to find none other but Juliet Simms running towards us. She soon ran past us and reached Andy's door and screamed his name.

"Andy!" She walked in the room.

I dropped to the floor, heartbroken. I knew this would have happened, I just wished it would have happened later after I seen him. I began to cry hysterically, he was suppose to be mine not hers. Within a few seconds someone walked out. I looked up, it was CC walking out of the room with his eyes red, he was wiping away his tears. He noticed me on the floor and motioned for us to all follow him.

"Why? What's wrong?" Vic asked. We were all scared. CC didn't speak, just continued walking.

We walked to the end of the hall and stepped in the elevator. He pressed the 4th floor button, this is where the hospital held counseling for those who had someone admitted into the hospital in serious conditions. CC was the first to walk out when the doors opened. He led us to a room that had waiting pasted on the wall next to the door. He waited for us to sit down before beginning to speak.

"Why the hell is she here?" he was beyond pissed.

"We have no idea. We were actually bringing Ashley to see Andy when the bitch showed up." Kellin stated.

"How did she even fucking know that we were here?" Vic commented.

"I have no clue." CC said. There was a silence.

Vic looked around the room. "Where the fuck is Mike?"

"Uh he went back to the buses to tell everyone Andy woke up and was okay." When I said this the tension in the room went into overload.

"What the fuck? Give me your phone. This motherfucker. Why'd he leave? He could have just texted everyone. Dammit." Vic was the most pissed off person in the room. Kellin did as he said though and gave Vic his phone.

We all watched Vic as his anger ensued as the line rang. Finally Mike picked up and we could tell from Vic's impression.

"Asshole. Why the hell did you leave the hospital? You never think things through."

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