Chapter Nineteen

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(Third Person)

One week later:

Andy had been released from the hospital and him and Ashley couldn't get enough of each other. They were together 24/7. Ashley feared for his life that Andy would end up hurting himself again. And Andy enjoyed Ashley's company, he had yet to tell him about the night Ashley came and he saw the cuts. He was still skeptical about whether Ashley had quit or not but he didn't bother to ask.

Kellin and Vic were finally done with their tour and could stay with Ashley and Andy and check up on them. By this time the guys pretty much told about Andy and Ashley. Everyone didn't really take it serious at first, but they gradually became use to it.

Everything was pretty much back to normal besides the fact that Andy was still bandaged.

"Hey you guys want to go out tonight?" Jake asked.

"Nah, I'd rather stay here with Andy since he can't go." Ashley retorted.

"Okay. Well we'll be back later." Jinxx called to them.

Jinxx, Jake, and an already drunk CC departed from the bus. Kellin sat next to Vic who was playing in his hair. Andy was lying on the couch staring intently at Ashley. He didn't notice because he was too preoccupied with his phone to see.

"Uh, you guys wanna order some take out? Like pizza or something?" Vic suggested.

Looking up from his phone and turning his attention to Andy, Ashley sighed. "Sure."

"I'll call!" Kellin shouted as he jumped up from the couch.

"Okay babe. Get two. A pepperoni with black olives and the other one supreme." Vic called out to him.

Kellin turned back and smiled before going to the back of the bus to place the order. Vic looked over at Ashley who was staring at his phone still. He then moved his gaze to an upset Andy. Andy caught him looking, Vic raised his eyebrow questioningly. Andy just shrugged and laid his head down and closed his eyes.

No one knew what was wrong with Ashley, ever since two days after Andy was released from the hospital he had been acting anti. Vic stood up and walked over to where the two were sitting.

"Ashley can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. This got the attention of a now scared Andy. He shook his head as to tell Vic to 'stop' but he wouldn't listen.

"Uh, sure." Ashley put his phone down and walked to the door with Vic guiding the way.

Andy groaned in frustration when they closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Kellin asked as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Vic's talking to Ashley I guess about his behavior. I want to know what they are saying but I don't want to." He sighed.

"I'll do it." Kellin shrugged. He walked towards the door opening it and as he closed it Andy groaned again.

**Vic P.O.V.**

When we got off the bus I thought this would be a bad idea, but the way Ashley treated Andy was unforgivable.

"So what's up?" I asked him. He looked at the ground and spat.

"Nothing really. Why?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, because it has to be something wrong to explain why you're being a dick to Andy." I protested.

"Me? Being a dick to him? How?" He had utter confusion on his face.

"Ashley, Andy has been staring at you for nearly two hours and you haven't even noticed. You guys don't even talk anymore like you did. Did he do something wrong?" I leaned against the side of the bus.

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