Chapter 61

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A/N: Okay.! So I've missed writing this book. This is my most loved book that I've written. I don't want to do a sequel, because Vic is well, dead. And what fin would the sequel be without him? So I thought about it and since summer is almost over and school is about to start, I'll do a special chapter on that and maybe update memories of their holidays before Vic died. Would that be okay? So I'm just going to try this out and if people want more then I'll be happy to update and add more. So here goes the story.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

Me and Ashley were just now getting settled in our new house. We had moved out of Vic's and Kellin's house after the wedding. It's been kind of hard for us to unpack when we got the kids. We were always trying to please them and play with them, so it was hard to unpack.

"Daddy, can we go out for ice cream?" Cooper asked me while I put away the box I just emptied.

"Sure, go get daddy and we'll go." I told him.

He ran off into the hallway and called for Ashley. I walked out into the hall and Alex came hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back as Ashley came up the stairs. He was holding Lindsey as she played with her stuffed animal.

"Ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded and I grabbed the keys.


We drove to DQ and ordered the kids ice cream. As they ate, me and Ashley talked. We had been wondering what to do about the kids when we go on tour.

"So have you thought about it?" I asked as I took a spoonful of ice cream.

I had been convincing him to let them go with us on tour. He didn't want them around that hectic lifestyle. I didn't want them to stay with strangers. He suggested we let them stay with friends, but all our friends were in bands and were going on tour too.

"Maybe, we should. But I'm still not sure. I mean, what if they get lost or hurt by the crowd of people." He was always thinking the worst.

"I won't let that happen. I'll have 24 hour security on them." I reassured him.

"Fine." He gave in. "As long as you agree they go to public school. I want them to graduate unlike we did." I sighed.

I didn't want them to have to go to school. I wanted them to be home schooled to avoid what I went through. He wanted them to get a good education though.

"Fine. But one incident and they're homeschooled." I debated.

"Okay." We looked at the kids as they ate they're ice cream. "Kids, guess what daddy and I have decided." Ashley announced.

"What?" Cooper asked.

"We're taking you guys on tour with us." I told them. Alex and Cooper cheered as Lindsey was still eating her ice cream. She took some in her hand and put it in her mouth.

"My baby girl will love it." Ashley said as he kissed her sticky lips.

"Is uncle Jinxx and Jake still giving you guys lessons?" I asked Alex and Cooper.

"Yeah, uncle Jake taught me some of the riffs to Rebel Love Song." Carter admitted.

"Uncle Jinxx taught me the piano part for I Am Bulletproof." Alex smiled hugely.

"That's great. We're proud of you guys. If you practice hard enough we'll let you perform with us." I told them.

I was proud of them. They were very artistic kids. We've had them for 2 months and they were the best 2 months ever. They were eager to learn how to play instruments, especially Cooper. He took great interest in me and Ashley's music.

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