Chapter 22

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I couldn't help but to think about my talk with Kellin. Maybe Andy did need his time to sort things out. I was just being selfish to force and pressure him into being with me. Maybe I need to clear my mind and sort things out too. That'll be best for the both of us to figure out what we want.

I looked at the time, it was a few minutes past midnight and I have yet to go to sleep. Everyone else was deeply succumbed in slumber while I was wide awake. I took out my headphones and started to quietly play music to not wake everyone else up.

I ended up drifting off to sleep because when I awoke it was then two in the morning. I decided I needed something strong to put me to sleep. I jumped down from the bed carefully to not wake anyone up. I must have been dreaming because it seemed like someone was already up. I opened the door slightly and saw Andy and Vic on the couch talking. I looked back and noticed that Kellin was the only one still asleep. I turned back towards them and began to listen.

"Why don't you just tell him. Take a break, you deserve it. You can come with me. We both need to clear our minds." Andy told Vic.

He sighed. "It's not that easy for me to do Andy. Me and him have hardly left each other's side since we've been together. The longest we've been apart is two days. Even when I was in my coma he was still there."

Vic seemed on edge about this. Was he trying to break up with Kellin? I looked back and saw him peacefully sleeping. Anger ensued in me, he better not be breaking up with him. I would surely hurt Vic if he did. Kellin is my best friend and I'll be damned if I sit and watch him hurt him.

"Listen. Just tell him your going to help me and get me to clear my mind. It is what you'll be doing but you'll also be clearing yours." Andy persuaded him. I can't believe he's being so calm about this.

"Fine." Vic gave in. "I'll see what I can do. Just- just don't mention it to anyone until we officially know." He told him.

Officially know what? Andy just nodded I closed the door, I didn't need that drink after all. I climbed back into bed and laid there. The door opened and the shadows of Andy and Vic appeared on the wall in front of me. I growled lowly at the two of them. I heard them getting into bed and later snoring. I sat up and left the bedroom and went to the living space. I wasn't the only one still awake.

I walked over to the kitchen as though nothing was wrong with me. I opened the pantry and took out Justin's Jameson and walked back over to the couch.

"Why are you treating me so cold?" He asked as he sat beside me.

"I don't know. You tell me, I'm trying to give you the space you need. You want." I spat at him. I looked at his sad, beautiful blue eyes and softened my expression. "It's just I love you Andy and everytime I try and get close to you, you push me away and I don't know what I do to deserve it."

"Ashley I'm sorry. I really am. I do love you too. The only reason I've been pushing you away is because I'm afraid our relationship could jeopardize the band." He laid back and a tear fell from his eye. I quickly wiped it away.

"It's okay. I understand. Just know I don't want anything bad to happen to us. I just want to be with you and only you. I'll fight for you." I told him.

He smiled at this and have me a kiss on the cheek. I didn't want to kiss him on the lips in fear that it might ruin the moment. I opened the bottle of Jameson and took a gulp. I offered some to Andy who quickly turned it down. I came up with something and quickly left the bus and ran to our bus. I opened the door and got my bass out the corner and rushed back to the other bus. When I got on Andy seemed confused and lost. I gave him a reassuring smile and he gave a nervous smirk. I began to play the chords and began to sing to him.

"I cannot hide what's on my mind

I feel it burning deep inside

A passion crime to take what's mine

Let us start living for today

Never gonna' change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna' stop us

No not this time

So take your hand in mine

It's ours tonight

This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice

It's do or die

This is a rebel love song

My outlaw eyes have seen their lies

I choke on all they had to say

When worlds collide what's left inside

I hold on tight and hear you pray."

Before I could sing the other chorus Andy jumped from the couch and limped a bit over to me. He grabbed hold of me, pressing our lips together. I smiled at his actions and he laughed through the kiss before pulling back.

"You're such a hopeless romantic." He told me making me blush.

"That's because I love you. I'll travel to the end of time just to be with you." When I said that he tensed up. "What's wrong?" I asked getting confused.

"Nothing I'm just gonna go to bed. Goodnight." He said as he left me alone in the living space.

What just happened? I was utterly confused, he seemed so in live with me and then acted as though he saw a ghost or something. He's been acting really weird lately, maybe that's why he wants to get away a bit. I shrugged and sat down on the couch and placed my bass beside me. I reached for the Jameson and chugged it to the last drop. I wondered if I should get another but that idea was quickly dropped when I fell asleep.



I woke up, leaning over to snuggle into Vic when I saw he wasn't there. This never really happened since we started dating. When I would sleep with him he'd always be there to tell me 'I'm so lucky to have you and I'm glad you're the first thing I see when I wake up." something had to be wrong for him to not be here.

I got up and went over to my suitcase getting an extra change of clothes and a towel so I could shower. When I walked out of the room I saw Vic with Andy. He was crying and Vic comforted him, he saw me and gave me a look that told me 'don't worry about it'. I nodded and went to the bathroom. After I showered, dressed, and did my hair, I left the bathroom I noticed Andy was gone now.

I walked into the bedroom to see Vic sitting on our bed. He seemed tense and nervous. I felt a hurting feeling grow in the pit of my stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Well Andy wants to go and try and clear his mind over the whole situation." He told me.

"Well that's great." I smiled hugely and kissed his lips.

"He wants me to go with him." He said as I pulled away. "And I agreed." He told me.

"What?" I began to freak out. "Why? For how long? You can't." I told him.

"I'm the only one who possibly can help him and he wants me to. And it's just for maybe a couple of weeks or a month. It'll be fine, I'll call and FaceTime you everyday." He promised me. I was skeptical about this, I held my tears in before faking a smile and nodding.

"I love you." He told me as he opened his arms.

"I love you too." I told him and went to his muscular arms that wrapped around my waist.

He kissed my forehead and stood up and left the bedroom. I laid on the bed and curled up and began to cry. I haven't been without him in soo long, I don't think I can last without him hold me at night. I wanted to run after him but my heart ached and I couldn't bring myself to get up. This sucked.

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