Chapter 40

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Everybody seems to be acting so carefully and weird around me. I mean it's not like I'm dying or died so what's wrong. The doctors have told me I can leave tomorrow but to go to checkups every week or every two weeks. So I'm fine, it probably was just a cold spell and I got over it. I'm perfectly fine, but I do need something for my headaches.

Andy and Mike are the only ones here that have been looking after me and supposedly Kellin and Ashley are coming soon. Mike and Andy have been sharing shifts to watch me, right now Mike is. We're watching Andy sleep and making fun of how he's soo overdramatic and sneaky. He's been playing the boyfriend routine to stay because they only allow people with close relationships with the patient visiting time. But what will he do when Kellin comes and tries to see me?

"Hey, you should have seen his face when he came in. He was all like 'oh my god, Vic'." Mike said in a mocking voice.

"Hey hey, leave the poor kid alone." I nudged him.

"Fine, fine. How you been feeling?" His moods changed from playfully to concerned and serious.

"I'm okay. My head still hurts some, but I'm fine. I've been through worst pains." I was talking about the time me and the guys got to wrestling while we weren't on tour. I had to go against Jaime and he really gave it to me. He hurt my back and arm, this was nothing compared to that.

"Oh yeah." Mike said, just realizing what I meant.

Silence engulfed us as I watched Andy sleep and Mike play on his phone. I didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted to go home. Home with the guys, back to San Diego to my beach house and be with Kellin. I just yearned for him right now, I knew he must be feeling the same way.

This is definitely the longest I've been without him. I missed our cute little cuddling sessions, our sing-alongs we had when we got bored, and the cute name calling. I just wanted to see him, Andy filled the void only soo much. There was some things that only Kellin and I had that were special.

"You hungry?" Mike asked, breaking up my thoughts.

"Sure." He smiled and ran out the room. He had been hungry for a while now, he must have been on some social media and saw some food.

I tried to regain my chain of thought, that was an epic fail. I just started to watch Andy as he slept, shifting over some. I could tell he was uncomfortable and needed someone to snuggle up with. I didn't want to but I didn't want him to be that way.

"Andy." I called out to him. He didn't hear me. "Andy!" He stirred but still didn't wake up.

I took my hat that was on the bedside table and threw it at him. He became startled and jumped as it hit his neck.

"Hey, what I do." His voice was lower than usual. I liked it, kind of.

"Why don't you come over here and sleep next to me, you seem uncomfortable." He sighed.

"I am. It's just I'm stressed is all." He stood up and walked over to the bed. Climbing in and wrapping himself around me.

"Why are you stressed?" I felt him tense up when I asked.

"Uh, I'll tell you tomorrow." He avoided it.

"Why not now? Is it Ashley?" I felt him relax again my body.

"Yeah. Now can I go to sleep?" He was cranky.

"Yes, please Mr. Grumpy Pants." He chuckled and with a yawn closed his eyes and went to sleep.

I felt my eyes becoming heavy also. I scooted down some, adjusting myself with Andy next to me and closed my eyes to go to sleep. After a while I heard foot steps, I knew Mike was hungry, I just thought he would stay and eat rather than bring it here. I opened my eyes to two figures, neither of them Mike.

"Kellin." I sat up and grinned in amazement.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He came over and hugged me. I loosened my arm from around Andy to give Kellin a better hug.

"I'm great. I can go home tomorrow. I've just been missing you." I said making him blush at my honesty.

"I've missed you too. Sorry it took so long, Ashley lost his suitcase at the airport and they finally found it." He then looked away from me shyly and seemed embarrassed.

He then looked at me and I saw his eyes glance to Andy's sleeping body. His jaw tightened a bit and I looked at his hand that rested on my knee. I placed my hand on top of it to calm him down.

"He just needed someone to cuddle up to." I explained.

"It's okay." He replied and went to sit in the chair. I looked over at Ashley who was standing at the door.

"I think I'm gonna go find Mike." He turned around.

"He's getting food." I called out to him.

I looked at Kellin who was still staring at Andy.

"Did that really happen?" He asked.

"What happen?" I didn't really know what he was talking about.

"Did you guys really cheat on us first?" He asked. I remembered the text Andy sent Ashley.

"Yeah." I said guiltily. "But he was just drunk and thought I was Ashley. It was an innocent kiss. And he only said that to Ashley to make both of you hurt as bad as we did." He looked more disappointed or guilty. I couldn't tell.

"Ohh, I'm sorry I overreacted." He looked down at his shoes.

"It's fine." I didn't mind that he questioned it. "So you and Ashley?" He seemed startled by his name.

"Honestly Vic, it was a mistake. I thought about you the whole time, it was just I was caught up in the whole moment. I am truly sorry." He quickly pleaded.

"It's fine." I chuckled some. "I understand I just hate that you didn't tell me and I had to find out from the guys."

He looked even more guilty than before. He put his head in his hands as he began to cry. I couldn't take looking at him this way, no matter how bad he hurt me I loved him.

"Come here." I commanded him. He looked up, wiping his eyes. " Come here." I told him once more.

He stood up and slowly walked over to me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down. I threw my arms around him, I didn't want to let go. I faced him and looked into his breath taking, green eyes and kissed him. I missed the touch of his lips. We were soon interrupted by none other than my annoying baby brother.

"Vic I got you, oh, um, okay then." We had ignored him and continued to kiss. "At least wait until the honeymoon." He yelled out as he headed out the room.

We laughed at him. He came back to the door when he heard.

"I can't believe you guys are even doing that around the poor kid. You'll give him nightmares." He pointed to Andy and shamed us with his fingers before leaving again.

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