Chapter 62

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**Andy's P.O.V.**

"How are we going to tell the kids? They can't come with us, they'll miss school." I tried to convince Ashley.

"I know, but we don't have a babysitter. Plus, it won't hurt for them to just miss a couple of days." He shrugged as he continued to pack his things.

"A couple of days? We're going to be gone for almost 2 weeks." I pointed out.

"Andy, don't worry. Please stop stressing out about this. You'll end up having an anxiety attack or something. Just calm down. I'll make sure they'll get all their work from school and we can help them." He finished his bag and went to the kids room.

Lindsey laid sleeping in her little princess bed. She was snuggled up with a squidgy that Austin gave her. She was sleeping peaceful and looked precious. Ashley took out a little suitcase and filled it up with her clothes.

"I don't know that we should." I was still skeptical.

"Vic and Kellin are doing it. It's not a very big problem."

"Do you not know how important it is that they get their education?"

"Of course I know. They can't end up like us." He chuckled and then started thinking. "No, they can't." He got serious.

"Well let them stay in school and we just not go. They've been in school for only 4 weeks and now they'll miss 2 weeks because of us." I sat down next to Lindsey and stroked her hair.

"Andy, we can't just turn down this concert. This is like the biggest thing ever and we're opening." He was excited for the concert.

It was the big patriotic concert for commemoration for 9/11. I honestly was terrified when it happened but it doesn't change anything. I'd give up this concert to get my kids an education. Ashley on the other hand just wanted to play.

He thinks I'm being over protective of the kids from the lifestyle. I don't mind them being around it, I just have a bad feeling about it. For our children to have to miss school because of us, it's just not right. We didnt get a good education and they should at least get theirs.

"I know it's a big oppurtunity for us to perform, but I just don't know." I got up and was going to the door.

"Andy, please. Just think about it." He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Okay." I huffed and laid my hands on his waist. "You know I spoil you sometimes. Next time, you won't get your way." I teased.

"Aww, pwease." He stuck out his lip and pouted. I pecked his lips and shook my head.

"Nope. Not gonna work." I let go of him and went to go to the kid's room. Ashley ran and jumped on my back, sending me almost to the floor.

"Say you love me." He demanded. I gained my balance and tried to pull him off my back. He clung to me though, and held on tightly to my neck.

"Never." I said hoarsley. I ran out the room and to the bedroom. I fell back onto the bed, landing on top of Ashley. He groaned and pushed me off of him.

"You're no fun." He sat back up against the bed and I smiled at him.

"Aww, I'm sorry." I climbed in the bed over to him and pulled him towards me.

"No you're not." He pouted more and moved away. He crossed his arms and laid back on the bed. I pulled his arms apart and started to kiss his neck. He shuddered and let a light moan escape his lips.

"You know." I started as I kissed his soft spot. "The only way we can be interrupted now, is if you scream loud." I whispered into his neck.

"Then, I won't scream." He pulled me up and attached our lips together. Taking control and I loved it. Even though I was the dominant type, it felt good for him to be in control.

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