Chapter 35

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I know me and Vic were just messing around. I liked that our friendship couldn't be jeopardized by something like this. Waking up in the morning next to him though, that was something I could get used to. I missed being snuggled up with Ashley though. I looked at Vic and he was still sleeping. I rolled our of bed and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth after
I got out.

I exited the bathroom to see Vic was still sleeping. I went over to my suitcase and started getting dressed. I wanted to start touring the town, I was ready to visit all the tourist sites. I had just pulled my shirt on when I heard my phone vibrating. I looked all over for it before I saw it on the bed next to Vic. I reached over and pulled it from beside him. It was just a notification saying my battery was low.

I placed my phone on the charger and walked out of the bedroom. I went and sat on the couch and looked for some form of entertainment for myself. This hotel room didn't exactly have a tv, so my life was sucking right now. I picked up the phone on the tiny table by the couch and dialed room service.

"Room service." An old sounding lady answered.

"Hello? May I order some uh, pancakes and uh, bacon with eggs." I heard my stomach start to growl.

"Yes, of course. Will that be all?" And I remembered to get Vic something.

"Can I also have the uh, omelet, with waffles please?"

"Okay. And what would you like to drink?"

"An orange juice and an apple juice."

"Okay. Your food will be up soon. Have a nice day." She told me sincerely.

"Thank you, you too." I told her and then the line went dead.

I looked back at Vic who was still sleeping. He must not be much of a morning person. I went over to him and watched him sleep some, I began to get drowsy just watching his chest rise and fall. I wanted to climb back into bed with him and stay there, but I knew there would be a repeat of yesterday. I was going around to give it a try when there was a knock at the door.

I went over and answered begging them to stop knocking and not to talk as loud while they were coming in the room. I pointed out to him that Vic was still sleeping. The man quickly pushed the cart carrying the food inside the room.

"Sorry." He said as he stood straighter and brushed the ginger hair, that lingered in his eyes, out of his sight.

He looked like he could pass for more of a skateboarder. Past his collar, I could see parts of tattoos showing. He saw my looking at them. he put his hand up to cover them but I blocked it.

"Don't look at those please. I was young and dumb." He looked away embarrassed.

"No they're actually kool. I love tattoos." I showed him all of mine.

"That's awesome." He commented.

"Thanks." I smiled proudly.

"Well I got to get back to work. See ya." He started walking away.

"Yeah, see ya. Uh ...." I paused not catching his name.

"Alan." He answered.

"Alan? That means I met your boyfriend when I got here. His name is Austin right?" He nodded.

"Yeah, that loser." He said jokingly.

"Well Alan, I'll see you around." I reached in my pocket and handed him $50.

"Thanks. And hey if you want you and your boyfriend should come with us on like a double date sometime." He offered.

"Thanks. We just might have to take you up on that offer." I smiled at him.

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