A New Beginning

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Welcome back to the wonderful world of cliffhangers, excitement, thrills, love, and, last but not least, SMUT! I have grown a lot in my writing, and the stories have become longer and more jam-packed with fun content. Of course, it's K-pop-related now, but I'll never turn down the opportunity to try an Andley or Kellic story again. I currently have 7 stories planned and in the process of being published. Check them out! But before you leave, here is an excerpt from my newest story. His Words are Pretty. If you love Kai from Exo, Jennie from Blackpink, Taehyung from BTS, Minji of New Jeans, or even Jun K from 2pm, check them out in this story! Full of twists and turns, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. And don't worry. I won't make you suffer....... At least not a lot.

His Words Are Pretty: Chapter 4 Warm Bodies


The house was quiet, the small baby sitting in its crib, breathing a slow hum that matched that of the humidifier close by. The room was closed off from the well-lit hallway that was filled with whispers.

"Actually, can you just leave? I think I'm just really tired tonight." The soft, irritated voice spread through the cracks under the door. Soon, creaking from the bed, it released some weight. The floor emitted soft steps as the door slowly opened, a young woman walking out, looking back at the little girl who sat on the bed. The door closed, and the woman left the door as she walked into the living room, noticing the man sitting on the couch.

"How is she doing?" He whispered, opening his arms for the woman to lay down in them. She let out a deep sigh and shook her head.

"There is something she wants to tell us, but-" The woman sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know why she won't tell us."

"Honey, now Jennie will tell us when she is ready." He kissed her hand, reassuring her with a pat when he lifted his head to look at her. He pulled her close, and she sighed. "She is growing up; let her figure it out, and then she will come to us when she is ready."

They settled on the couch, cuddling as the T.V. played a drama. The two eventually fell asleep on the couch while the show played quietly in the background. It would not be long before a sound shook them both awake. The man jumped up with his finger sitting in the middle of his lips as he moved towards the door. He heard a door being rattled, the screen door standing in between whoever was outside and the sleepy father, who was stunned awake. He used his other hand, motioning quietly for his wife to go. She slowly rose from the couch, and it was only seconds, just a few seconds that passed.

The door opened with a bang, slamming against the inside wall, and a shadowy figure began coming into the door. He walked in, facing the father, who had just moved towards the sliding screen door. The two men began fighting, the father holding on to the man's hands that were reaching down. The strange man kicked the father's leg, making him fall to one knee and struggle to raise himself back up. As he looked up at the stranger, he was punched in the face, falling to the floor before a bang sounded out within the walls. A pool of blood began to spread across the floor as screams and cries began to fill the sharp silence.

As the door rattled, the woman stood up slowly from the couch, taking a small step before hearing a loud sound. She watched her husband rise up to hide her shadow before walking to the door. She slid into the closest room, closing the door and reaching into the small crib that was set beside the wall. She held the baby close to her chest, moving to the closet and sitting in the back. The baby squirmed, laying on his mom's chest and whining as she began to hush the baby by rocking him in her arms. As the baby quieted down, a sound similar to a firework rang out, her body shaking, causing the baby to erupt in cries. She screamed, thinking of the reason behind that sound before crying into the crying baby she held. Their whimpers filled the entire house, leaving every other sound masked. Three more sounds similar to fireworks screamed out, silencing all other noise within the house.

When the loud bang shattered the silence, Jennie was awakened from her deep sleep as loud grunts came from the living room. She jumped from the bed, grunts intensifying and footsteps that moved about in her brother's room. She quickly moved to her closet, waiting as the grunts subsided with a loud bang. She covered her ears, holding on to them, and through her hands, the sound of cries came next. She knew those sounds very well, especially since every night she slept next to her brother's room. She held her ears tighter, trying to erase the cries that signaled their presence in the other room. As Jennie held her body together, keeping her ears closed, the final sound that followed was three loud bangs. The bangs signaled an eerie silence that was even louder than the cries it replaced. Her hands did not move from her ears as more doors opened within the house, and a final bang was heard.

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