Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I don't really know if this book is good so far. Can anyone tell me their honest opinion of it. I've kind of been rushing to update it a bit so those who are reading it don't have to wait long. Also I'd like to add anything in this story that someone wants me to. You can PM me and tell me what you'd like to see. But here's the next chapter enjoy.



When I woke up he was laying by my side. His hands holding mine, I started to pick my hand up when I noticed something. It was what seemed like pink or light red on his arm. I got suspicious, taking my other hand I reached over to his jacket sleeve. I lifted it and discovered marks, cut marks. My heart sank in to my stomach, I knew Ashley was taking this worse than anyone but I didn't figure it was this worse.

I freed my hand from his hold and observed them more. I wanted to wake him up and ask him about them but that would probably hurt his feelings more than they already are. I watched his angelic face sleep. I carefully and soothingly rubbed his face with my hand as though he was a new born baby. He began to stir and I saw his eyes open.

"Ashley?" I called out his name. He looked up and stared at me as though I was a ghost. He then began to cry. "I missed you." I told him as I reached up and wiped away his tears. My poor suffering baby, I can't believe I did this to him.

"I missed you too." Was his reply. I was getting ready to cry when I saw him leaning in to kiss me. The kiss sent surges of pain and joy through my body. Mostly it was pain which caused me to wince and he pulled away. "Sorry." He apologized.

"Don't be. I've been wanting that since I woke up. How come you didn't come and see me?" I smiled at him.

"I wanted to Andy but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And when I did try and come and see you Juliet came." He started to cry again and this infuriated me the thought that I would have seen him if it wasn't for Juliet. She was getting on my last fucking nerve.

"I kicked her out. I told her I wanted to rest. I didn't want anyone to be here except you. I've been wanting to see you since I woke up Ashley." I rubbed my hands through his hair and it caused him to smile.

"Andy I actually came to see you some of the days you were in here. It's just that I feel so guilty, this seems like all my fault because I'm making you choose between me and Juliet." I laughed. "What's funny?"

"Choose between you and Juliet? It'll always be you Ashley. I don't need or want her. She's full of fuckery. She's an amazing, wonderful, and beautiful lady, she's just not the one for me." I smiled at him.

"I love you Andy." He kissed my hand.

"I love you Ashley." I stroked his face as he tried to hold back the tears.

He seemed tired a bit and yawned. This made me yawn. "Why don't we get some rest. I think you need it most." He told me.

"No I think you need it most. I was sleep for two and a half weeks remember?" I laughed.

"Alright." He kissed my forehead. "Goodnight." And he began to walk over to the chair directly in front of me at the foot of the bed.

"Goodnight Ashley." I laid my head down and watched as he drifted into sleep. I soon gave in myself and went to sleep.

Everyday after that I spent with Ashley, no other visitor except the occasional peeking in by CC. Spending time with Ashley was the best thing I could ever ask for, I was ready to be able to hold him in my arms and call him mine. I loved this guy with my dear life.

It wasn't long before the doctors took me from intensive care. I was soon discharged from the hospital a week later after me waking from my coma. I was wheeled out of the hospital, still unable to walk well. CC was driving to take us home, he'd been waiting for half an hour for me to change to my regular clothes. It took me a while because of my head. It also took the nurses what seemed like forever to wheel me to the car. Vic was still in his wheelchair, but it was only because of him being in the hospital, when we left he was walking normally.

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