Chapter 36

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I can't help but to think about what me and Ashley did. I'm lying next to him as the sun rises slowly and beams on us. I wish I could only take it back. I didn't mean for any of it to happen. I've only had sex before with Vic and that's who I couldn't help but think about. I haven't talked to him since the flight here, and I don't think he'll take me back after this.

It's 8am and I think I'm just going to get up. I leave the warmth, that is Ashley, and carry myself to the bathroom. I don't really know why I came in here, I just didn't want to be in the bed anymore. I look around at all the things lined up on the basin. Ashley's things mostly covered it, he had the things for his hair on it mostly.

I walked out the bathroom, not sure what else I could do to entertain myself. I got my phone and headphones and went over to the chair at the far side of the room and started to play my playlist. Unfortunately, the first song that played on it was Vic's. I listened as his beautiful voice sang to me.

'Waking up your neighbors downstairs, I've been inside your bedroom one thousand years. And as you tie me to the bed for good I say that I want you in the most unromantic way.'

I felt a pain inside my chest as I listened to him, I missed him. I could feel the tears starting to stream from my eyes as I thought about how fucked up everything is now. It matched perfectly to the song that played next.

'Can we create something beautiful and destroy it.'

It's all my fault, if I hadn't given in to temptation I'd be with my perfect boyfriend, continuing our semi-perfect relationship. I was happy with him. I was the one who destroyed something beautiful.

I started to dry my eyes with the back of my hands as I heard someone walking behind me. I didn't have to turn around to figure out who it was.

"Hey." Ashley said as he laid his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, um nothing." I lied. I knew I couldn't get away with it but it was worth a try.

"Is this about last night?" He sighed. "Kellin, I told you, I'm not mad. I understand you miss Vic. I miss Andy."

"It's not just that, it's that I don't know what to do. I've been confused on things and I just don't want everything to be spontaneous. I want to know where I am at and what I'm doing, rather than getting caught up in the heat of the moment." I explained.

He seemed upset by what I said because he removed his hand and walked away. He went back over to the bed and got his phone. I was going to ask what he was doing but I didn't want to cause anymore trouble. He came and kissed my cheek before going over to the door.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." He told me. He opened the door and left. I felt even worse now that I had just done that.

I didn't want to run after him I was still upset. I couldn't control what I was going to do next I ran out the door to see him enter the elevator I called out to him he ignored. I ran to the elevator doors as they closed.

"Ashley please." I yelled at him. He stuck his hand out and stopped the doors as they were closing.

"What do you want?" He was more pissed than I thought.

I didn't say anything though. He let go and the doors started to close. I jumped in before they could close in my face. I went over to him and tried to hold his hand but he twanged it away.

"Ashley I'm sorry." I cried.

"Whatever." He huffed.

I started to cry more.

"Ashley I really am sorry. I didn't mean any of it."

"No you're not. And I know you just got caught up in the heat of the moment." He mocked me.

"Ashley that's not how I meant it." The doors opened and he walked out quickly ignoring me.

"Ashley please." I cried more. "Please don't leave me." He turned around.

"What?" He madness soon faded.

"Please don't leave. I'm tired of everyone I love leaving me." I told him through my tears.

He came back to the elevator, it closing when he got in. He pulled me close to him and I cried into his shirt. I couldn't help but to, he took hold of my face and had me looking at him.

"I'm sorry." I said for the tenth time.

"It's okay. I could never leave you." He hugged me. He pressed the button to our floor and the elevator jerked upwards.

The doors opened to our floor, we stepped out, Ashley holding me close to him as we walked back to the room. Stepping in the room and guiding me over to the couch, he took the seat next to me. Pulling me close, I felt his breath on my head as I laid on his chest.

"Kells, I could never leave you. I love you. Your my BestFriend." This made me feel better. He kissed my forehead and started to sit up so I moved back.

"I'm going to take a shower okay?" He asked. I nodded in understanding. "Have you taken one yet?"

"No." I replied.

"Why don't you take one with me then?" He asked. He didn't give me a chance to reply, taking my hand and pulling me up.

I wrapped my arms around him as we walked to the bathroom. He turned the water on and I stood by the basin as he tested the water to make sure it was warm. He took his shirt off and caught me watching him. He came back over to me and leaned forward pressing his warm lips to my cold ones.

"I love you." He told me as he pulled away and guided me over to the shower.

"I love you too." I smiled confidently and kissed him once again.

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