daydreamin' bout u

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂c𝒓o𝒔s 𝒕h𝒆 𝒘a𝒚 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂c𝒓o𝒔s 𝒕h𝒆 𝒘a𝒚 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓖𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰, the young teen dreamily sighed. The boy across the way from him always had his eye. Everything he did, Katsuki just adored. Right now, the redhead was working on some homework.

Something Katsuki wished he could do.

The boy just a window across him. Yet, it felt so much further. Probably because of the household he settled. Turning his head, the working teen spotted Katsuki.

Lending him a bright smile and a wave, Katsuki slowly fluttered back. A small smile on his face. Kirishima turned back to his work, highlighting over a paragraph of his notes.

A glass shatter captured Katsuki's attention. Shutting his curtains, he rushed over to the mattress in the corner. Clambering onto it before soundly shutting his eyes.

The screeching pitch of a door restored the room's once bland environment. Katsuki tightened his eyes. Superficial footsteps made their way over to Katsuki. Overlooking him, the figure grunted.

Hearing continual gulps, the mystery figure soon burped, before fleeing the room with a grimace. Slamming the door shut behind them.

Emerging from the bed, Katsuki let out a sigh of relief. Playing pretend was always his specialty.


"Katsuki." The boy cooking dinner turned around. His mother clasping a basket covered with a ruddy cloth as steam seeped through the cracks.

"Take this to the neighbors next door. My stupid co-worker gave them to me as if I wanted anything to do with her," Squeezing the basket into Katsuki's chest, she took another blow of her cigarette.

"Just turn the stove off and get your ass out there." Bouncing his head, Katsuki followed what had been instructed and quickly left the house.

Rushing down the sidewalk, he had made it to the Kirishima's front lawn. Carrying a glance as he strolled towards the door, he was amazed by how delightful everything looked.

The animated blossoms sprouting in the faultlessly shadowed green grass. White picket fences mobilizing the perimeter of the house. Katsuki could merely hope to live in such elegance.

Chiming the doorbell, Katsuki looked down at the basket. The aroma of chocolate made him smile happily. Too bad he couldn't have any.

"Oh, hey! You're the dude from earlier! The one I waved to right?" Looking up, Katsuki lightly gasped when the redhead he was indeed staring at looked back at him.

"Yup. That's me..."

"What's this?" Kirishima lifted the fabric of the basket, alarmed by the generous amount of cookies.

"Woah! Did you make these?!"

"My mom...did. She wanted me to give it to you."

Passing the basket to Kirishima, the teen jovially took the rigid crate with a smile. "Hey, do you want one?"

"Oh, no. I cant—"

"Please! As a thank you for this!"

Peering into the basket, Katsuki softly smiled. Chipped fingers nails pressed into the baked charms, Katsuki taking a small bite. His taste buds happily dancing.

"Yeah...she did a great job."

"Oh hey! What high school do you go to? I go to UA!" Katsuki shrugged.

"I don't go to school. I was pulled out when I was in sixth grade." Kirishima's smile lowered.

"That's too bad. Have you ever convinced your parents to let you go back?"

"Yeah...but it's fine. I'm happy, I guess," Katsuki swerved around, walking away from the door. Kirishima about to try and talk to him again.

"Thank you for the cookie you let me have."

"Oh, it's no problem! If you ever want to hang out, just come on over!" Katsuki blushed. Smiling, he waved at the boy. Before rapidly running back towards his house.

A goofy smile plastered over his face.

Unlocking the front door, he was about to wander back into the kitchen. The hem of his collar was snatched back as he fell to the ground.

"Why the hell were you taking cookies from them? It was for them, not you! Selfish waste!" Stomping on Katsuki's chest, the woman above him grunted.

Katsuki crying out from the pain. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up already, you stupid brat!"

Clenching onto the sofa to carry her strength, Mitsuki repeatedly shoved her foot up and down onto Katsuki's body. His crying and screams left the house's thin walls.

But no one came to see what was going on.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂c𝒓o𝒔s 𝒕h𝒆 𝒘a𝒚 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
daydreaming, with my chin in the palm of my hands. about you, you
words: 731

 about you, youwords: 731

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