fuck a fake smile

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second birthday story゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎a𝒌e 𝒂 𝒘i𝒔h )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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second birthday story
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎a𝒌e 𝒂 𝒘i𝒔h )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 was it. His birthday had finally come. His parents would be gone for the day, the house was going to be crammed to the brim with food and activities, and best of all, everyone was going to come.

He was sure of it this time.

Katsuki had even bothered to stay home from school, selecting to illuminate his house as much as he wished. And that's exactly what he did. Taking his time, he made all the food and desserts, minus the cake.

Planting the bowls and deserts where he wanted them to be, setting up his game consoles and controllers, lifting up the balloons and ribbons. Everything was set up.

Everything was perfect.

All he needed to do, was wait. Opting to sleep until it was time, Katsuki plopped on the couch, agreeing on taking quick nap wouldn't hurt.

It would only be a few moments.


His eyesight was still blurry, but Katsuki could tell he slumbered way longer than intended. Pulling his phone from the furniture, he promptly turned it on.

7:43 pm

He grunted. Now everyone had to be here by now; the invite said it started at five. "Hey, sorry...I slept for way longer than planned—"

But when he looked towards the dining room, he was met with nobody. Empty. Vacant. The containers were left in their precise positions, foods hadn't even been shifted, nor had any of his controllers.

No one was here.

Katsuki swerved around, still seeing nobody. Soon, he began to snicker.

They were definitely hiding and waiting to surprise me.

Holding that cocky smirk, he strutted around the living area.

As he did, his smirk slowly relinquished its glisten, and his face gradually lost its enthusiasm. He had wandered around in a halo more than six different times.

"Haha, ya damn extras! Funny-Funny joke!" Proceeding to awkwardly laugh, he soon heard nothing. No slight chuckle, or giggle. Not even the shuffling of feet.

Gulping, Katsuki scratched his neck. Steering back to the settee, he went ahead and took one of the bowls himself. Sitting down on the sofa, he switched on the tv. Locating a random episode, he watched as he ate.

This episode is thirty minutes. I'm sure they'll be here by the time it's over.

Over two episodes later, and still no indication of anyone. Placing down the three bowls he had consumed, he curled himself on the couch. Snatching one of the birthday hats from the slab, he slapped the string onto his face. The cheap excuse of a hat flopping on top of his head.

With a painful frown, he got up from the couch. Entering the kitchen as he brought out his birthday cake. The ornamental structures, the fresh strawberries, and a cake big enough for twenty.

Yet, he was taking it out alone.

Positioning it on the countertop, he searched through one of the drawers. "Why do I do this every fucking year,"

A flame twinkled. "It's the same god damn thing. I do all this shit, and yet, no one comes,"

Titling his mouth with the cigarette inside, he put it aflame. A smoke of a shadowy cloud. Unfortunately, one of familiarity. "I don't even like cake. Why do I always ask for one? For the possibility of people coming,"

He took another hit. "Whatever. I'm a fucking idiot anyway." Shoving the cigarette into the cake to extinguish it, he nudged the cake aside. Shortly exploring the fridge.

Red glares landed on what he needed, and he directed himself towards the dining room table.


"Do you think Katsuki enjoyed his birthday this year?" Mitsuki cheerfully asked her spouse.

"I bet he did. I remember how many times he sent texts and such to them to remind them all. The house is probably a poor mess."

Pulling into their house, they saw how the lights were shut off. "Aww, look. Katsuki must have already gone to bed."

Huddling her keys in her hand, Mitsuki crammed them into the door. But, she understood it was already unlocked for the guest. Twisting the knob, she seated her keys and purse down on the counter.

"Do you think there are leftovers," Mitsuki asked Masaru, as she flickered on the lights. "Because I'm starv—"

Her gazes docked on Katsuki's figure. Collapsed on the dining room table, as bundles of beer bottles laid around him. Peeking into the kitchen, she gasped at the sensation of a cigarette stuck in the strawberry thrill.

Arriving near Katsuki, she seated a hand on his head. Masaru barely entered the scene, sniffing in alarm as he looked around.

"It happened again..." Mitsuki sadly said as she ruffled with her passed-out son's hair. "It happens almost every year. We thought it would be different. He thought it would be different. He had so many new friends, I—"

Mitsuki whimpered. Soon sitting down next to her son while proceeding to stroke his locks. Masaru shortly enlisted in the affair. Rubbing his wife's shoulders as they both weep for Katsuki's well-being.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎a𝒌e 𝒂 𝒘i𝒔h )˚✧₊⁎ 。
did my invitations disappear
why'd I put my heart on every cursive letter?
words: 867
i didn't like this

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎a𝒌e 𝒂 𝒘i𝒔h )˚✧₊⁎ 。did my invitations disappearwhy'd I put my heart on every cursive letter?words: 867i didn't like this

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