focus on me

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒅e𝒆p 𝒅i𝒗i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒅e𝒆p 𝒅i𝒗i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 up the rolled-up appliance, Katsuki took a blow of it. His body loosening so much so he was already giggling. Euphoria took over his body, as Katsuki took the bud back into his mouth.

Blowing the fume out, he messed around with it. Aiming to create haloes and hearts with the smoke around. He had been practicing almost every day. Why waste a smoke opportunity when he can also learn?

A collage of footwork walked into the lavatory. One of the boys instantly groaning. "What the fuck? Was someone smoking in here?"

Katsuki could discern it as being Kaminari's voice. "Must have been strong shit too. That smoke smell is way more powerful than any vape."

Sero was the next one Katsuki was able to voice identify. "Man, Bakugou always disappears like this. he's been doing this for a few months."

"Yeah, Sero's right. You think someone's wrong with him, bro?" Kaminari asked the third one in the room. 

"I don't know, honestly. His eyes are always red, and he always gets paranoid when he gets back. I'm trying to figure it out without pushing him, you know."

The last voice Katsuki acknowledging as Kirishima. Kasturi suppressed his amusement at their failed search party.

"He always comes back to class, anyways. How about we just go and ask him when he gets back?"

"...Ok. I hope nothings wrong with him." Once hearing the sounds of the footsteps leaving the bathroom, Katsuki let out another puff of fume.

Sitting on the toilet was a quick move.


Spraying the bathroom with cologne, Katsuki made certain to mask the aroma as much as he could. Swiping the air, Katsuki fixed up his uniform. Quickly leaving the bathroom.


Turning around, he was met with Kirishima. Katsuki making an effort to avoid Kirishima's eyes. "Where were you? You disappeared again."

"I was busy training." Sniffing the atmosphere around Katsuki, Kirishima scrunched up his nose.

"Why do you smell so strong? Did you sneak off to the forest or something? That's such a strong smell."

Katsuki tensed. "No. I was just—in the bathroom and training."

Leaving Kirishima in the hallway, Katsuki ran back towards the classroom. His partner in a state of alarm and concern.


"Come on, come on, come on. Why the fuck won't you roll properly?" Katsuki's hands fumbled around at his dorm's desk, trying to roll up the spliff.

Knocking on his door made him even more irritated. "What the fuck do you want?!"

"Hey...I just came to check on you."

Realizing it was his boyfriend, Katsuki murmured numerous curses under his breath. Trying to squeeze everything away, Kirishima only got more anxious.

Twisting the knob slightly, he discovered how the room was unlocked. "Katsuki? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah! Just give me a fucking second!" Cramming the items into his desk in a disorganized fashion, Katsuki got up with the incomplete spiff in his hand.

Trying his best to finalize rolling it up in the air, he impatiently tapped his foot on the ground. "Kat—"

"One fucking second," Flinging his fingers too hard, the buds of green spurred out of the spiff. Plunging all over the carpeted ground. "Fucking damnit!"

Katsuki plunged to his knees as he attempted to huddle everything together. Kirishima having enough of whatever was going on. "Katsuki? I'm so sorry,"

Bursting into the room, the boyfriend of blondie was in a state of shock at what he was seeing. He didn't know what to foresee walking in here but this, this wasn't it.

"Eijiro...please I can explain! It's not what you think!" Katsuki began to play it off, but once Kirishima picked up one of the buds, his face went pale.

"Is this...marijuana?"

Katsuki gulped, bouncing his head in defeat. Closing the dorm door shut, Kirishima sat across from Katsuki. "I'm ready when you are."

Pouring the rest of the buds he struggled to pick up, Katsuki sighed. "I kinda have social anxiety. To be honest, I think the diagnosis was bullshit but, whatever. Sometimes, people who have social anxiety, use...medical marijuana.

"And the first few times, I was fine. But, slowly, I started getting cravings for it. So, I started taking more of it. And then it escalated to just straight smoking it. It's an addiction, I'll admit it. But, I just can't stop. I'm sorry that I'm telling you this now, this is like the worst way to find out."

Kirishima sighed. Coming over to Katsuki, he pulled him into a hug. "It's fine, I'll help you through this, ok?"

"You aren't mad at me?"

"No. Of course not. I'm glad you opened up to me."

"I didn't have much of a choice. It was either me opening up, or you think I'm a druggie and break up with me."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒅e𝒆p 𝒅i𝒗i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。
focus on me (focus)
f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
words: 832
one of my favs so far. the aesthetic is just so pretty

 the aesthetic is just so pretty

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