break up with your boyfriend, i'm bored

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i failed my final essay with a 16

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i failed my final essay with a 16.98/45 :)
still have an A in the class
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒈o𝒕c𝒉a )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 couple ambled down the street with their hands entwined with one another. The shorter boy gossiped about the movie he just saw, the other just listening in.

"Do you wanna go to that cafe? It small and simple." Kirishima proposed while suggesting to it.

"Sure. Since there are not too many people, that means we can eat, take some to go, and head to the dorms." coming closer to the establishment, they promptly entered with ease.

A quiet booth in the back was perfect for the two. Sitting down across from one another, they surveyed over the menus. "I think imma have something simple. How about you, Kat?"

The redhead lifted his eyes, the orbits pursuing a particular group of teens that just infiltrated the cafe. The miniature doorbell onto the glass door rung with their entrance.

"Probably just something spicy like per usual. Maybe curry カレー." Katsuki acknowledged with a shrug. Kirishima kept on attending to the group with a glare.

Katsuki shortly noticed his intense stare. "Is there someone behind us...?—"

"No! No. Just—Monoma and his Class 1-B posse. They just—irk me...ya know?" Kirishima exclaimed to a surprised Katsuki, who flinched from the rise in volume.

"Yeah, I guess...why did you even have such a reaction? It's not that big of a deal. Besides his annoying ass mouth—"

"Kirishima! Bakugou!"

Both boys groaned at the pitch of the Class 1-B's unofficial class clown. Monoma strutting over with his group as the duo watched unamused.

"I didn't think you two would be here. Or that Kirishima was willing to spend any cash on you." Monoma sneered while Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Can you go? We just want to eat and head back to the dorms."

"Oh, with pleasure! But I just wanna know, how was your date?" Katsuki assessed him with bitterness.

"What? It-It was fine? Why the hell are you even asking?" Monoma smirked in Kirishima's direction. The redhead growling at him as a warning. But Monoma preferred to ignore it.

"Oh well...I just need to pay Kirishima back. How much did I owe you again? Ohhh right! I owe you twenty-one thousand for each date right?" Monoma smirk grew at Katsuki confusion.


Monoma veered to him with a fake pout. "Well...I just gotta pay Kirishima his money. I mean, I did bet him to fake date you. And so far, he's doing a hell of a job. Aren't you?"

Kirishima scowled. Glancing over in Katsuki's direction as the blonde laughed in disbelief. "You're full of shit. Eijiro wouldn't do that. Right?"

Katsuki turned towards the redhead, catching him gaze back at him with a broken face. "Kat...I'm sorry."

Suddenly, his eyes enlarged. Monoma chuckling at his hurt reaction. "I didn't know you had depression. Get a load of that! Class 1-A's dumpster fire cuts himself! And your parents neglect you? Ha, at least my parents love me."

"You-You told them...?" Katsuki pleaded with Kirishima. Kirishima prevented eye contact just as Monoma snickered.

"I didn't know you were into sending nudes. Especially how you looked in the pictures! What, you a girl?" Katsuki could feel his eyes begin to soften as his lip quivered.

"Awww. Is the little bitch about to cry? Did you seriously think someone was into you? Come on. God, your confidence in your love life makes me chuckle."

Monoma's group laughed as Katsuki huddled his items. Pushing them out of his way, he scrambled to the cash register. The others watched as Katsuki passed the worker money and left immediately after. His hands stuffed deep in his pocket.

Monoma huffed, motioning the others to slide into the booth. Some nudging and shoving Kirishima playfully. The redhead peered at the door with a tragic glance.

"What? Did you actually like him?" Monoma asked, questioning Kirishima's broken manner.

"No...I'm straight and all but—I don't know...that was harsh." Monoma laughed.

"That shit was hilarious! Besides, maybe he'll get a reality check. Anyways, did you order yet? Cause we're starving." Kirishima looked back over at Monoma as he scanned over the menu.

"Uh, no. I'll just have sushi 寿司 or something."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒈o𝒕c𝒉a )˚✧₊⁎ 。
painted a picture,
i thought I knew you well
i got a habit of seeing what isn't there
words: 767

i'm going to be traveling to new orleans soon so i'm trying to get chapters ready so i can post them before i hop on the plane friday

i'm going to be traveling to new orleans soon so i'm trying to get chapters ready so i can post them before i hop on the plane friday

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