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quince planning is vvy hard ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒅r𝒐p𝒍e𝒕s )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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quince planning is vvy hard
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒅r𝒐p𝒍e𝒕s )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓦𝓸𝓪𝓱, man! How's you get that big ass bruise?" Kaminari poked at the imprint on Katsuki's neck. The blonde was quick to slap his hand over it.

"It's none of your business," Katsuki muttered, as he continued to repair himself a snack. Kaminari rolled his eyes, resuming to getting his snack from the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the class was collected around an uneasy Eri and an optimistic Mirio. "I love that dress, Eri! Who bought it for you?" Ochako asked.

"Mina..." Eri whispered out, clutching Mirio's hand and her satchel a little harder.

"Haha! I told you guys! I truly am the best at this type of thing!" Mina cockily proclaimed as the others around merely awkwardly laughed.

Kaminari watched from a distance. About to walk over, he swiveled his head back to the "bruise" on Katsuki's waterway.

"Dude, seriously. Where the hell did you get that?" Kaminari implored, nudging the "bruise" once again. Katsuki hissed.

"Stop touching it! And it's none of your business!" Katsuki cried out while shoving Kaminari's hand away.

The other rolled his eyes. "That's a pretty fucked bruise. It kinda looks like a burn even..."

Katsuki was having enough. Fleeing from his snack, he began to saunter out of the kitchen and towards his room. Although, Kaminari couldn't seem to take a clue.

"Kachannnn. I just wanna know what the hell is that on your neck," Kaminari leaped onto Katsuki, his hands pressed down on his shoulders as he tried to get a closer examination.

"It kinda even looks like a hickey," then, Kaminari gasped. "Don't tell me your cheating on Kiri!"

Although Kaminari implied the testimony as a joke, Katsuki's eyes lit up in blazes. Prompting turning around to overlook the electric blonde, he powerfully pushed him down to the ground. Kaminari grunting in pain.

"Bakugou!" The class rushed over to the two. Momo and Jirou scrambling to Kaminari's aid.

"Just because Kirishima isn't here cause of his internship, doesn't mean you can lash out on us! Especially Kaminari! No matter how stupid he was being!" Mina lectured on. Katsuki stabilizing his hoodie over the so call bruise Kaminari yearned to be so nosey about.

"Yeah, Bakugou. I have to agree with Mina. It's highly disrespectful to treat your classmates like that! Especially in front of Eri!" The blonde and Eri stared at one another.

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