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happy pride month, lovers viewer discretion is advised ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃i𝒏d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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happy pride month, lovers
viewer discretion is advised
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃i𝒏d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 shifted uncomfortably as he changed himself in the bathroom stall. He was not going to let the guys see the bra-like material on his chest. Even though almost all of them knew, he still didn't feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it was the wary stares of the people around, the propensity to catcall him in the hallway, the sexual assault and vicious behavior that was shown to him.

He couldn't conclude what precisely it was, perhaps it was all of the above. Transphobic bullying was something Katsuki was used to. Not something he was delighted about.

The scars on his wrist say it loud and proud.

Departing from the stall with his package of clothing in his hands, he froze when he saw a couple of the guys snickering with each other by the lavatory sink. Watching the blonde from the mirror, the two boys sneered.

"God, it's the freak again," one of them whispered out. The other rolled his eyes.

"What do you think she is? Is she like—an actual boy or is she just, like, a girl who thinks she's a boy?"

Those simple pronouns were what prompted Katsuki why he was so revolted with himself. Why he forced himself to change in the stall although his mind couldn't care less if people looked.

It was the continual remembrance that he was a she.

Constantly being misgendered, not just by fellow peers, but by counsels, teachers, parents, and even the principal. Katsuki scampered out of the bathroom without a second look back.

Tossing his apparel into his locker, he slammed it shut as everyone around eyed him. Quickly exiting the changing rooms, Katsuki headed towards the pe field. Many rendering inhuman remarks and references.

Why can't he just ignore it? He said he didn't care, but here he was. Those insults and comments surged his mind as if he believed them. Unfortunately, life seemed to be dabbling a game of cat and mouse with the poor teen.


The bouncing velocity of a small rubber ball fell from the wall back to the boy's hands. Katsuki heaving it again only to snag it again with ease. He was currently skipping out on World History like pure usual.

That class included most of the homophobes, including the teacher himself. Katsuki was not in the mood or in the state of mind to infiltrate that classroom again.

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