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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒏s𝒊d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒏s𝒊d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 sounds and beeping cars were all the boy was used to. Waking up at such a late hour, he yawned out while wiping his eyes. As he looked around the empty studio house, he slowly plopped his hand down on his floor.

Eyelids shut close, granting himself get lost in the vibration of the vehicles, the people walking, and the harsh talking. Each pulse only made the day feel a little bit more fulfilling.

There was something he wanted to do today. Across the room from him, sat an elegant piano. A piano that had been here since he moved in. Although the rest of the house was moderately empty, that piano was the one thing the owners left.

And Katsuki was essentially in love with it.

Even though he couldn't hear the tones and pitches it made, he could narrowly hear the pulsations. If he concentrated, and if it was silent, he could play a melody. That was Katsuki's main goal.

Nudging the blankets off of his body, he snatched his wallet from the floor. Quickly jamming it into his bag, he kicked on his shoes. And then he left the house. Creative cursing and busy talking wasn't something Katsuki could pay much attention to.

He was deaf after all.

His parents were not so approving of his disability. Katsuki was kicked out when he was just thirteen. Now that he's sixteen, he was able to get a nice job and earn himself some money.

Pushing himself into the shop, Katsuki cheerfully walked towards the counter. His fingers clutched on a pen, composing something down on the sheet. The note slowly turned, the worker reading over it before grinning and overseeing Katsuki towards the back.

A faction of boys was not too delighted with Katsuki holding up the line.

"Here are some piano books. I would suggest this one if you're a beginner and you want to practice playing songs. And maybe this one for learning more." The worker signed with his hands.

Katsuki snatched the two items off the rack, promptly scanning the price tag. His satisfaction only bubbled when he saw how much they cost.

"I'll take them." He signed back. Chuckling, the working teen directs Katsuki back to the counter. Those teen boys only getting angrier.

"Yo dude. Why the fuck is it taking so long?" One of them shouted. Most likely tall middle schoolers.

The cashier was taken off guard by the action. Katsuki could lightly hear the vibration but chose to ignore it. "He's deaf, assholes."

The blonde in the middle scoffed. "Who fucking cares. Shouldn't take that god damn long."

Taking Katsuki's money, the worker quickly handed Katsuki the two editions. Signing a "thank you," Katsuki turned to face the three. Offering them a look before hurrying out of the store.

Even though the other two had let the whole thing ago, that one blonde had glared at the door Katsuki departed from. A deep snarl on his face.


Katsuki tried to hurry back to his house, excited to try out these new ballads. Before he could get far, a hard jerk on his hoodie resulted in him falling into an alley. Blinded by the light, he couldn't exactly see who was there.

The two boys didn't want to give Katsuki a hard time for something he didn't have control of. Something he was trying to make the best out of. But, it seemed as one didn't agree.

Stepping closer to Katsuki, the boy on the floor struggled to back out. Unaware of who they were, Katsuki desperately started to sign. Hands jerky and hot breathe seeped down on his fingers instantly moving to sign various words.

Slamming his fist into Katsuki's face, the other boy got on top of him. Broken cries and sobs powered through the alley. Unbearable enough that the other two couldn't tolerate it.

Both of them crouched down, leaning against the trash can while they tried to lock out of the severe sounds and screams being made only a few feet away from them.

Katsuki's blood splattering onto the scattered piano books. Their once baby blue covers now painted themselves in hell-hungry red.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒏s𝒊d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。
now grab each others' hands, get 'em all
i wanna see you rock to the piano
the piano
words: 719

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒏s𝒊d𝒆r )˚✧₊⁎ 。now grab each others' hands, get 'em alli wanna see you rock to the pianothe pianowords: 719

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