get well soon

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂v𝒐i𝒅i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂v𝒐i𝒅i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。


That repetitive sound filled the room, building a rhythm with it. Rope slammed back and forth into the footing, feet lifting off from the ground as the rope under him circled.

Sweat beaded down his face along with heavy panting. For as much as his body scorched, he was not going to quit. Knocking on his door provoked him out of his trance.

"Come in."

The door opened up, revealing a worrisome Mitsuki. A bowl of Gohan ご飯. "Katsuki, you've been at that for over five hours. Don't you think you need a break? And some food?"

Katsuki quit jumping. Flinging the rope down on his bed. Stepping to his mom, he took the steaming bowl of rice. Lips twitching downwards as the white food stared at him.

"Thanks, hag." Mitsuki laughed.

"Whatever, Katsuki. Don't overwork yourself." Mitsuki kissed Katsuki on the cheek, shortly fleeing the room with a close of the door.

Once that door had close, Katsuki was left alone in the calmness of the room. Wandering to his mirror, Katsuki assessed his body. A disappointed frown on his face.

"I still look so chubby. Why do I have so much neck fat? My jawline is barely even there. Have my thighs always been that big?" The further Katsuki questioned himself, the more he loathed what he was looking at.

Ribs shined through his skin, his arm muscles starting to disappear as did his once stellar body type. With a sigh, Katsuki shoved the bowl onto his dresser. Next to the various other foods he chooses not to consume.

Taking a walk back over to the jump rope on his bed, he carefully picked it up. And suddenly, that tapping started right back up again.


Draping a towel around his unhealthy slim waist, Katsuki dried his hair with another towel. A slight jab on his hair made him hiss. Pulling the towel away from his head, he noticed the chunks of hair sitting inside the fluffy cloth.

His hand trembled as he reached it up to his hair. With a small tug, another huge piece of hair effortlessly melted off of Katsuki's head. The bland blonde hair sat in the clasp of Katsuki's hand.

Loosening the grip, the fragile pieces fell onto the marble flooring. His lips quivered while looking down at the hair. Fleeing the bathroom, he scrambled to his room. Not wanting to look at the mess again.

Katsuki slammed his door shut, breathing heavily against it. His eyes shifted to gaze at the red bottle on his dresser. Snatching it, he brought out two of the pills from inside it.

Tilting his head back, the capsules slid into his throat. Swallowing with a tiny shiver, he felt relieved. Diet pills always made him feel much more open and better.

They were like his own happy pills.


"Katsuki, come get your plate!" Entering the kitchen, he placed his palms on the bowl in front of him. Before he was able to walk off, Mitsuki clasped his wrist.

"Jesus Katsuki. Your skin is so dry. Did you put moisturizer on after your shower?"

"Yeah." Mitsuki's concern was as sharp as daylight. Katsuki shrugged off the exchange, taking a seat at the table with his father ratifying him a sickly sweet smile.

Mitsuki soon took her seat. Announcing the conventional "itadakimasu," the couple jovially dug into the tonkatsu 豚カツ. All except Katsuki. The teen instead chopping his food up into small pieces.

Masaru and Mitsuki noticed the interaction, sadly glancing at each other. "Katsuki, sweetie. Eat your dish."

"I'm...not that hungry, anyway." Nudging the food away from himself, he put his cheek onto his fist.

"Come on, Katsuki. I haven't seen you eat a lot today." Masaru spoke of. Katsuki shrugged.

"I'm just really not that hungry. Can I put this in the fridge?"

Mitsuki let out a defeated sigh. "Of course, Katsuki."

Picking up his bowl, he strolled towards the fridge. Levering it open, he spotted the "leftovers" of his dinners, lunch, and breakfast. Fitting the container into the back, he shut the fridge close.

Quickly fleeing the room, he rushed up to his stairs and back into his room. Grabbing the jump rope again, Katsuki readied himself. His grasp positioned flawlessly on the grips.


゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂v𝒐i𝒅i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。
i'm too much in my head, did you notice?
(girl, what's wrong with you? come back down)
words: 742
i rlly liked this

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂v𝒐i𝒅i𝒏g )˚✧₊⁎ 。i'm too much in my head, did you notice?(girl, what's wrong with you? come back down)words: 742i rlly liked this

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