you'll never know ii

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒍i𝒔t𝒆n 𝒄l𝒐s𝒆 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒍i𝒔t𝒆n 𝒄l𝒐s𝒆 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 whimpers of a small child reflected throughout the entire common room. The pupils aiming to calm her down, while the others debated on the fundamental issue.

"I didn't think he would do that..." Jirou responded.

"He tried. Even Eri confirmed." Todoroki reacted, consuming some cold soba from his dish.

Although, certain classmates had doubts. Tokoyami, Jirou, Koda, and Shoji were only a few who didn't believe any of this. Eri was only a kid. Did she even know what Mirio had asked?

"Hey, guys!"

Everyone swiveled towards Kirishima. His duffel bag over his body as his backpack was in his right hand. He ruffled his eyebrows in concern. He didn't understand what was occurring.

" something wrong? Hey, where's Katsuki anyways?—"

"You're boyfriend is a fucking rapist." Eyes were bulged out in awe at Mirio's words. The third-year covering Eri's ears.

Kirishima stood frozen. "What..."

"He tried to touch Eri! Her skirt was burned off! And she was sobbing on the floor with smut on her face!" Ochako screamed out, arising from the couch as she furiously pointed at Eri.

Red Riot threw his satchels down onto the floor, arriving towards Mirio and Eri. The duo looked up at him as Kirishima gulped.

"May I talk to's just that—Kat couldn't do this—"

"Well, he did. And honestly, it's disgusting how you're trying to defend him!—"

"Mirio," The bright-haired blonde glared at the extra. "Just let me."

The hero rolled his eyes. Letting go off Eri's ears, he strolled away from her. Bending down onto the floor, he grinned softly at Eri.

"Hi, Eri. I just wanted to ask you something," Teary-eyed, she brushed at her eyes while bobbing her head. "So, Katsuki touched you?"

Eri nodded her head slowly. "Did he touch you in an inappropriate place?"

"...No." Kirishima nodded his head, eyeing Mirio with a minor glare.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Eri was speechless. Rubbing at her arm, she jerked her head. "Can you tell me why you won't say anything?"

"...Because he was doing something bad. And I don't want them to hurt him again." Abruptly, the teen went pale.

Turning towards the class, he stood up. "What did you guys do..."

Kaminari and Sero turned away, red in the face from hostility. Irritated by the action, he scrambled towards the coffee table and slammed his palms on the table. The whole class rattling.

"I asked you a god damn question! What the hell did you do?!"

"We beat his ass! You heard what she said!"

"Yeah, she denied it! What the hell—where's my boyfriend?! What the fuck did you do?!"

"...He was hurting himself," heads turned towards the youthful girl. No one comprehended what she meant, besides a particular redhead.

"Eri...did he put his hands on his body and burn himself?"

Eri screamed.

"P-Please! Please don't hurt him! He accidentally hurt me! I snuck into his room to help him because K-Kaminari said he had a bruise on his neck—but it was a b-burn! He helped me up after! Please, he didn't hurt me!"

Mirio came down towards Eri. "Why did you say he touched you?"

"Because he did. He hurt me accidentally? That's what touching means right? Putting your hands on someone to help them or feel something?"

Recognizing their grave error, Mirio was the first to glance up at Kirishima. Instantly, he took off towards his boyfriend's room. The rest of the class following close behind.

"Kat?! Kat?!" screaming down the hallway in a state of refusal, he came towards Katsuki's room.

Seeing the door wide open, he shoved through without a sense of reluctance. "Katsuki!"

Diving down onto the floor, Kirishima started to cry when he saw the state of the blonde on the floor. Squeezing his fingers on Katsuki's neck, he choked. "Katsuki, no please! Baby, please give me something!"

A few of the females assembled to call the police. The others standing and watching the controversy unfold. Scouring through the cupboards, Kirishima took a towel as he placing it down on the gushing defects.

"Baby, please, please don't die on me!" Kirishima shifted once more as he hoisted the boy off the floor. Carrying it out of the room, Tsu put her palm over her phone.

"They're going to be here in a couple of minutes." She said in a panic. Kirishima only ignored her.


"Shut your fucking mouth. You're part of the reason my boyfriend is like this! Get the fuck away from me!" Kirishima exclaimed, rushing down the hallway. Murmuring whispers of love and compassion to the blonde while caressing his hair.

He could feel Katsuki's body gradually start to become colder. His blood was fleeing his face, giving rise to a sickly pale color.

"Don't die on me...please."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒍i𝒔t𝒆n 𝒄l𝒐s𝒆 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
'cause I've been the hardest to love
you're tryna let me go, yeah
and I can see it, I can see it
words: 856
my mother wouldn't even let me buy the simplest of outfits because it "drew the wrong attention" and "you look slutty."


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