motive iii

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒏o𝒕e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒏o𝒕e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 association of boys moved around Monoma's dorm. The blonde was irritated by their nerve-wracking demeanor. "Chill the fuck out. They haven't even said if they gathered any evidence. For all we know, we're probably in the clear."

"M-Monoma may be right guys..." a few of the boys refused to believe so. Until a horrid realization clicked.

"H-Holy shit. The note-! The fucking note! The note we wrote him! What-What if it's on him!" suddenly, that indication snatched Monoma's attention.

"Oh god—he's right! W-What do we—"

"Shut up!"

Monoma's flourishing voice made the other stop and look over at him. The teen was red with rage. "I think his body is in the nursing office here. We're sneaking in, patting him down, and taking that godforsaken note, ok?"

"Are you insane?! What if a pro catches us-?!"

"If we're quick and easy about it, it won't be a big fucking deal. Now let's go. Quick." Monoma unlocked his dorm door, the group departing his room and pursuing close behind.

His entourage began to wander past the seating area. A miserable Kirishima fiddling with his fingers alone. Clearly wanting to get away from his classmates and to be alone. The redhead looked on the brink of tears.

Some of the boys' lips curled in sorrow and guilt. But, they still obeyed Monoma as he directed. After a few minutes of tumbling footsteps and a slight quantity of exercise, they finally made it to the main office of the camp.

Monoma authorized them inside. Wandering around the place, he promptly stopped the group as he peered inside the nurses' office. Sighting the body as the pro's started to evaluate it.

"Hey. Three of you. Go out there and make a quick mess. So that they leave." there was a minor reluctance, but promptly, the boys listened.

Monoma and the others headed around the corner, watching the door. Once a loud boom and some cracking followed along, Aizawa, Vlad, And Mandalay hurried out of the room.

Quickly, the other four scurried inside the office. Scrambling towards Katsuki body, Monoma suggested to his clothes layered upon one of the vacant beds.

His neck was bruised purple and black from the suffocation as a sheet was saturated over his body. "Ok, one of you, check his pockets for the note."

When no one shifted, Monoma snarled. "Go!"

Three boys trudged forward and started patting down his pockets. Some beginning to panic when they didn't feel anything. Ultimately, one of them gasped as they found the neatly folded paper in his back pocket.

"Good. Now go before they come back!" jamming the note into his pouch, the union darted out of the nurses' office and rounded the corner again.

Exiting out from the back door, the last three came rushing towards them. "We thought you got caught."

"No. He found the note, so we're in the clear." the group sighed with relief.

But, the sentiment didn't sit right with all of them.


Training was suspended for the day because of what had occurred, and dinner had come. With the sunset looming in the back, Monoma and his group ate among their classmates.

But, two couldn't help but glimpse over in Kirishima's way. The teen struggling with something on his computer while hardly touching his food. Class 1-A concerned about their ray of sunshine.

Hiryu and Sen disbursed each other peeks. With a subtle nod, both got up from their seat. Heading towards Class 1-A as Monoma hissed at them to come back.

"Hey...Kirishima?" the redhead perked up at the boys blankly.

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

The duo glimpsed at one another. Soon gathering attention from the remainder of the area. Hiryu heaved a note out from his pocket, passing it to Kirishima. The boy looked at it with confusion as he took it.

"What's this?"

"Uh...that's-that's the note we used to lead Bakugou into the woods. He-He didn't hang himself. We-We suffocated him." the committee of kids went dead silent.

Kirishima enlarging his eyes as he looked down at the manuscript. Slowly unraveling it, he read what was forged down on the document. Eyeing at it for a few additional seconds, he folded the paper back up.

Gradually, he began to close his laptop. Hoisting himself from the seat, he silently left the group alone at the dining tables. The two snitches frowned at the floor as Class 1-A glared at them.

Mina giving them a deadly look as she snarled. "Kiri is hardly emotional because he's feeling too much. And you two. How fucking dare you? You're in the hero course yet you killed an upcoming hero. And out of a prank? A prank? That wasn't a fucking prank.

"A prank is when something you do that is funny. And it doesn't hurt another human being. Much less kill them. What you two did was satanic."

"It wasn't just us! Monoma was the one that planned the whole going-!"

"I don't give a damn who did what or who did nothing! You were a part of it! You're part of someone's murder! Get that through your fucking heads!"

Mina huffed, storming off as did the rest of Class 1-A. The boys were left in the dust, as their class glared at them. "What in the actual fuck is wrong with you people? Where's Vlad?"


"No? No?! We're telling the teachers that our classmates murdered someone! What do you mean fucking no?! You ruined someone's life by ending it! And now you're scared that we're trying to end yours? Fuck that!" TetsuTestu exclaimed.

Monoma scowled at the duo, the blonde slammed onto the table before disappearing away from the group. Much to the insults and comments that were being made about him.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒏o𝒕e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
so why don't we fall in love?
baby, let's be in love
words: 988

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒏o𝒕e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。so why don't we fall in love?baby, let's be in lovewords: 988

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