just a little bit of your heart iii

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"goldwing" was scary fun to write lmao ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒘h𝒐 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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"goldwing" was scary fun to write lmao
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒘h𝒐 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓐𝓵𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, everyone. For today's physical lesson, we will be paired up together in groups of five. Form your groups immediately; you have five minutes." scrumbles of footsteps scurried across the dirty floor.

Katsuki rushed over towards Kirishima and the other squad members. The group of five formed concurrently with faint waves of laughter coming from one another.

Kaminari soon saw Katsuki coming over in their direction. "Oh, hey. Sorry, Bakugou. We already have a group of five. But next time—you can be a part of it!"

That frog in his throat was swallowed harshly. Katsuki bouncing his head in a faded, slow fashion. Before wandering away from the group sulking.

"You always say that."


The group assembled around, leading the way towards one of the accessible lunch booths. Katsuki peddled ahead, attempting to catch up with their walking. Yet, he appeared to always be on the exterior.

For once, he wished to know what it felt like to be in the middle.

Cluttering together into the air space booth, Katsuki sat at the perimeter of the seat. Many already beginning a new discussion on some spontaneous topic once again.

Just as Katsuki was about to start eating, the back of his pocket felt empty. That significance of weight that was usually held in it had vanished. A murmured "fuck" broadcasted from his lips.

"I need to go get my phone. I left it in my locker. Can one of you tag along or something?" Katsuki implored the group. Kaminari rolled his eyes with a grunt.

"It's just a walk to your locker. Literally, no one else has to waste their lunch just cause you didn't bring your phone."

Katsuki's body stiffened. "Yeah...I know that. I would just feel more comfortable if someone would along."

Kaminari looked around the table for any recruits. "No one is volunteering. Just hurry up and come back. It's not that big of a deal."

Being shut down once again, Katsuki accepted his defeat. Nibbling on the inside of his cheek before sliding out of the cushioned seats, authorizing himself straight towards the cafeteria doors.


"Listen up. We're starting a new project today in class. This project does involve partner work, so you all will be tasked and assigned to a group of people. Now, come up to the list to find your group."

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