i should be happier then ever

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recommend music above ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎y 𝒔o𝒖l𝒎a𝒕e 𝒂n𝒅 𝒂l𝒍 𝒕h𝒂t)˚✧₊⁎ 。

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recommend music above
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎y 𝒔o𝒖l𝒎a𝒕e 𝒂n𝒅 𝒂l𝒍 𝒕h𝒂t)˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼 tangled around the tall trees that made up the grassland of magnificence. A long white aisle way on top of the wooden wonderland that made up the flooring. Seats labeled in cursive penmanship sat to the sides of the lengthy aisle way.

"Hey! Those lights better be twisted properly or I'll beat your ass and do them myself!" Katsuki screamed at one of the workers, his significant other red from humiliation.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. It doesn't have to be perfect—"

"Yes, it does! I'm Katsuki Bakugou! Everything is supposed to be the best for me or else I'll blow someone up and do it myself!" the last jab of his verdict authorized towards the laborers arranging the stringy fairy lights.

Kirishima chuckled at Katsuki's outburst, the blonde retaliating by a simple eye roll. His scrutiny was soon directed to the clipboard in hand and the red ink that seeped through its pearly color. The tip crossing off what had already been accomplished.

The red-head could feel how aggravating this truly was on Katsuki. Usually, he'd only be this worked up during a battle or patrolling. But, this was much different and much more important than that.

It was indeed a wedding.

A soft delicacy tumbled into the blonde's palm. Katsuki glaring up at Kirishima's optimistic gaze. "Not now. I have to finish the designs. And I still have to check if the fucking food is done right! Then the damn—"

A hush fell upon the venture with thanks to Kirishima. An abrupt kiss to the boy's cheek was able to stiffen him in moments with the tint of pink drizzled on his cheeks.

"Sorry, but you need to relax. I'm sure everything will come out the way you want it to, ok? Stop stressing yourself too much." Kirishima murmured.

Katsuki assessed Kirishima with narrowed eyes, before clicking his tongue loudly in bitterness. "Fine. Only cause I'll actually listen to you."


"Why the fuck isn't your suit ironed properly?! Do you know how important this day is!" obnoxious shouting sweep across the hotel room in loud volume.

Kaminari and Sero glimpsed towards the others but soon turned their attention back to the hotel's flat-screen television. The two struggling together to formulate some sort of sweet for "Cooking Mama."

Todoroki blankly blinked at Katsuki. "It's just a suit.—"

"I'm sorry. Is this your wedding?"

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