borderline ii

977 38 5

゚˚✧₊⁎( a 𝒈i𝒇t, 𝒇r𝒐m 𝒎e 𝒕o 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( a 𝒈i𝒇t, 𝒇r𝒐m 𝒎e 𝒕o 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"-𝓰𝓸𝓾. Bakugou!" Being startled awake, he lifted himself from the countertop.

"Man, you've been sleeping a lot more than usual." His co-worker had brought up. Katsuki merely nodded.

"Say, how did selling all your stuff go?"

"Pretty well. Made around three million three hundred twenty thousand one hundred yen. It's enough for at least the rest of the year. But still, I gotta make sure everything else is planned out for the future."

The other teen nodded. "So, you're taking another shift?"

"I can't tonight. My mom wanted me to stay home with her. So, with the tips I got today, I'll just buy her somethings and then stay with her. I know she'd just love it we watched the Late Show together."

His co-worker laughed. "You better have a fun night and de-stress, Bakugou."

"I'll try."


His shift was so much more troublesome than normal. Jackasses for clients, the weirdest orders. Katsuki was ready to go home and loosen up with his mom. Especially eager to see her reaction to his gifts.

Unlocking the door to his house, he saw how his father was still awake. Katsuki was a little surprised considering how he's never up when he comes back. Masaru soon noticed Katsuki in the hallway.

"Your mom is in her bed."

Katsuki scoffed. "Of course she is, she has cancer."

Walking past his father, he reached the shadowy hallway. Opening his mother's room to find her asleep. Katsuki smiling slightly. Coming over to her, he was about to fix the sheets on her, when he noticed something off.

Leaning into her chest, his heart plummeted. Placing his two fingers on her vein, he started to breathe heavily. "Mom? Mom?!"

Dropping the flowers and bread he had brought for her, he grabbed his phone. Rapidly dialing emergency services as he tried to get his mom to wake up.

"Katsuki, what the hell do you think you're doing with all this screaming—"

"Shut the hell up! Shut it!" Katsuki screamed back, cascades of bubbly tears ran down his face. Trying to keep his voice steady so the operator on the other end understands what he's telling.


Bouncing his foot up and down, Katsuki only grew more nervous for his mother's sake. All he knew was that she could be dead.


He never took into account, how soon his mother could die. The dark realization sinking in. "You're Mitsuki Bakugou's son?"

Getting up from the seat, Katsuki confronted the doctor. "Please tell me she's ok."

"She's in a severe coma. You're lucky you found her when you did." Katsuki ruffled with his hair, dreading the question he was about to ask.

"How much do you think the medical bill will cost?"

"My guess...over three million." Katsuki froze.

"And where did my dad go?"

"I don't know. I think the liquor store a few blocks down." Katsuki wiped his eyes, struggling to keep up his face of sheer irritation. "I'll let you know if we have any updates."

And with that, the doctor swiveled on his heel and walked off. Leaving Katsuki a mess. The shaky breaths he was taking in should have been enough for anyone.

Rushing down the aisle, Katsuki ruptured into the bathroom. Shutting himself in one of the stalls, everything appeared to hit. As the heavy tears poured down his face for the second time tonight, he fell to the floor.

The stress had surpassed the teen. Katsuki muffled his sobs with his hand, embarrassed for crying like this. Nothing else seemed to help.


゚˚✧₊⁎( a 𝒈i𝒇t, 𝒇r𝒐m 𝒎e 𝒕o 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
but the days they will blur
soon it's, twenty years from now
words: 632
i typed this whole thing with nails. i'm so proud of myself lmao

 i'm so proud of myself lmao

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