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my birthday/west side is coming in 5 days ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒍o𝒓 𝒊n 𝒕h𝒆 𝒍i𝒏e𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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my birthday/west side is coming in 5 days
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄o𝒍o𝒓 𝒊n 𝒕h𝒆 𝒍i𝒏e𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓑𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 voices of young children rang throughout the classroom. A childish aura clear for anyone from afar. As kids huddled around other's desks to converse or draw with one another, there was a child deserted by his desk.

Feet a few inches off of the ground, his hands clasping the sides of the plastic chair. Deep red eyes stared blankly at his vacant desk. The teacher from across the room scowled at Katsuki's attitude.

He seemed to have always been like this.

Arising from her stool, her heels clicked upon the ground. The closer she got towards the child, she began to notice the red lines trickling across his arms. Out in the open for all to view.

Her back bent forward to lean down towards the child. "Bakugou, why don't you play with the other kids?"

For a moment, the blonde's eyes lifted but quickly looked back down. Shaking his head profusely, the teacher sighed. "But I'm sure you'd have fun. You're always like this. Don't you want to make some friends?"

"...No, thank you."

The woman thrilled her lips. Straightening herself back upwards, she began to walk away from Katsuki. That child had always been a nuisance, even if he didn't do anything.

And that was the whole problem.

He wasn't normal. Didn't hang out with the other kids, constantly alone, hardly ever ate, and was picked on by the other children.

At this point, the woman had no idea what to do. Other than to just let it go like per usual.


The guidance counselor surveyed through his files. Until a knocking coming from his door made him look up in surprise. "Come in...?"

The door was shoved open but closed shortly after a child scurried in. Sitting himself down in front of the counselor, he brushed over his cuts in shame.

The counselor eyed them in shock, promptly shoving his files over and giving his attention to the young eight-year-old.

"Hey...what are you doing, kiddo?" Katsuki assessed the man in front of him. Uncomfortably shifting around.

"I just wanted to talk to someone. I don't have anyone to talk to and my teacher said that we should talk to you when we need to tell someone stuff." the child's voice was high-pitched but quiet. It was difficult to even hear a word that the child was saying.

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