a conversation and an apology

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trigger warning for this conversation.

this is something serious that i would like to address now rather then continue loathing around with this because it is something that i do not want to be normalized. especially continuing to have this type of writing displayed on my account.

for those who don't know, or haven't read one of my first fan fics "pov," in one of the chapters, it has an inappropriate scene that displays child pornography. it also displays rape victims in a wrongful and untruthful light.

and i would like to apologize for even writing that in the first place. age doesn't even give me an excuse for what i had wrote and i'm talking responsibility for my actions either way. it's even clear in the writing that i knew what i was doing was wrong, yet still proceeded to write it.

i feel like having that sort of negativity and, honestly, shocking type of writing on my account and in my past is something that i do not want to have and i want to address it now.

now, i also would like to address "pov" as a whole. i feel that "pov" as a whole, is just problematic and honestly stereotyping depression, suicide, rape, all sorts of social injustice in the world amplified. this is why i was never proud of "pov" to begin with.

after actually taking a step back and reflecting on what i had exactly written for "pov," im personally thinking of making the executive decision to unpublish it as a whole. it has also made me reflect on what exactly im writing in modern times.

that what im exactly writing isn't actually being light to actual social injustices in the world as i thought i was doing, but more like using those social injustices to create a storyline. i do not want to profit off of other's trauma just so i can create some sort of storyline.

thinking of taking a break or just quitting wattpad as a whole and reflecting on what exactly i'm doing because i feel what i'm doing is inhuman and disregarding many other's feelings and trauma. all in the name of some sort of fucked story telling.

thank u once again
~ juniper.

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