be my baby

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇i𝒔h𝒊n 𝒇o𝒓 𝒄o𝒎p𝒍i𝒎e𝒏t𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇i𝒔h𝒊n 𝒇o𝒓 𝒄o𝒎p𝒍i𝒎e𝒏t𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 on his boyfriend's bed, Katsuki scanned his phone again. It was past two am, and his lover still hadn't come back to their dorm. He said he was going to kick around with friends for a while.

That was five hours ago.

Thrilling his lips, Katsuki got up from the bed. Agreeing to get a snack from the kitchen. As he entered the kitchen, he was met with Kaminari. Who was grabbing a cup of water.

"Dunce Face? I thought Eijiro was hanging out with you and Sero." Kaminari raised aloft an eyebrow.

"What? Yeah, he did. For like two hours, and then left. He said he was going to a party some of the upperclassmen threw. He said he had told you..."

Katsuki groaned. "He's been like this since the whole Chisaki thing. He's been getting cocky, arrogant, I guess a personality switch. We've been—spilt on our relationship."

Leaning onto the counter, Kaminari came over to him. Soon patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry. Have you tried talking to him?"

"Yeah, I have. He either ignores me, brushes it aside, or...he says it's my fault. So, I just avoid the subject."

"You need to talk to him, you know? This isn't right."

"Yeah, I know. I will. Whenever."


Waking up the next morning, he noticed how his boyfriend still hadn't come back to the dorm. It didn't feel right to be dozing in Kirishima's bed alone.

As he walked down the aisle and towards the steps, audible voices became much more prominent. "You're so lucky, man! Can't believe some thirds years invited you to such a party!"

"Who wouldn't? I stopped a villain full-on by myself!"

His classmates practically drooled over Kirishima's party stories. Katsuki arriving and hugging him from the back. "Hey, not now."

"But—you were out all night. We were supposed to watch—"

"Kat, I'm busy. Get off of me." Prying Katsuki's arms off of his body, Kirishima continued his story. Katsuki glared at Kirishima's back, soon fleeing into the kitchen.

The Bakusquad pursued behind him. Upset faces enveloped the blonde as he walked around attempting to make some coffee. "Bakugou..."

"It's fine. I deserve it anyway; getting a taste of my own medicine."

"Bakugou, no one deserves to be treated like shit," Mina stated.

"I do." Finishing his coffee, Katsuki left the room. The only people who appeared to note his retreat were Izuku and Todoroki. Both of who were just as concerned for Katsuki's mental health.

Especially at a time like this.


Looking around Kirishima's room struggling to find his missing shirt, a notebook plunged from the shelf. "Fucking shit!"

About to cram the items back into the notebook, he spotted a polaroid snapshot. Pushing some of the fallen papers over, he carefully picked it up. A topless teen girl with her breasts jabbed at the camera. The photo disgusted him, surely.

But what hurt him more, was the red-headed boy in the back. His arms fastened around her waist and his bare chest pressed against the girl's back. A smirk schemed on his face.

Checking the date on the photo, it was marked as yesterday's date. The night of the party. As he sweeps his hands over more sheets, he was met with even more polaroids. The images only got more sexual. One of her riding his boyfriend, another one of her blowing him off, and another with dark hickeys on the girl's neck and breasts.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Turning around, he was met with the boy in the picture. Kirishima glimpsing behind Katsuki's back.

"Eijiro...did you—"

Before Katsuki could finish, he was met with a heavy punch to his face. Plummeting onto the floor, he positioned his hand over his cheeks. Feeling moisture over his face. How long had he been crying for?

"The hell are you snooping through my shit for? Don't go looking into what I do. Just—get out." When Katsuki didn't move, Kirishima snarled.

"Get the fuck out!"

With the rise in volume, people in the hallway caught sight of Kirishima's dorm door opening up. And Katsuki running away. With his head low to the floor and hand still over his cheek, he began to evade any questions.


Everyone noticed the heavy atmosphere that hung around Kirishima and Katsuki the next morning. The common room was silent other than the frying breakfast Katsuki was cooking up. Kirishima sitting alone at one of the dining room tables.

The girls lightly gasped at the bruise that wavered on Katsuki's jaw. As Kirishima's proceeded to text on his phone, he began to walk into the kitchen. Shoulder jabbing Katsuki as he snatched a water and walked back to his seat.

And yet, all Katsuki did was turn off the stove, and roll his shoulder back.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇i𝒔h𝒊n 𝒇o𝒓 𝒄o𝒎p𝒍i𝒎e𝒏t𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
if you know how to be my lover
maybe you can be my baby
words: 839
based near the end point in my last relationship. minus the punch to the face

 minus the punch to the face

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