leave me lonely ii

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leave me lonely and i don't do drugs tied so i flipped a coin ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒍l𝒐w 𝒕h𝒆 𝒚e𝒍l𝒐w 𝒃r𝒊c𝒌 𝒓o𝒂d )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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leave me lonely and i don't do drugs
tied so i flipped a coin
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒍l𝒐w 𝒕h𝒆 𝒚e𝒍l𝒐w 𝒃r𝒊c𝒌 𝒓o𝒂d )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 front door creaked open as Katsuki walked through. Caressing the bruise on his neck with a painful frown on his face. Mitsuki came in from the kitchen, scowling at Katsuki's mood.

"What? Did Ayumi have to hit you again," Mitsuki sneered. "Maybe if you were a better boyfriend, she wouldn't have to hurt you consistently."

Masaru watched the discussion from the living room. A petrified look on his face while Mitsuki glared at her husband. "Don't just sit there! Get to work cleaning the damn house!"

Bouncing his head, the brown-haired male scrambled off of the sofa and hurried up the stairs. The blonde woman modified her hair before leaving Kastuki alone by the door.

It was sad to acknowledge that both he and his father were in abusive relationships. And neither retains an opportunity of getting out.

"By the way Katsuki," Mistuki turned back to face Katsuki . "More kids threw rocks at your window."

Katsuki eyed the floor at the announcement. Footsteps spoke loudly, plummeting their way down the foyer and towards his bedroom. His door yanked open, red eyes trailing down to the flooring of his bedroom.

Ten extra rocks spread on the wooden floor, some concealed in red paint. Others having some aspect of writing inscribed on them. Cautiously stepping closer to the piles below, he bent down to pick one up.

Rolling the gray rock in his hands, Katsuki tried to make out what was composed across on the stone.

Take this rock and bash your head in.

The harsh phrasing hurt to read over, particularly knowing that it was coming from deep in someone's being. Authorizing the rock to slide down on the floor, Katsuki came towards his window before shunning them close with the curtains from beside.


"What did you get for number five?" the question appeared to go dismissed by his girlfriend reclining on his bed.

A small tap on her leg made the girl squirm in disgust. "Ew! I don't know! Don't touch me!"

Katsuki yanked his hand away from Ayumi's knee, turning back to face his worksheet in front of him. Stunned by the answer, Katsuki started to munch on his pen.

Until his window crashed open and another rock flew in.

Kids from outside laughing before running away from the property. Ayumi scoffing as she glared down at the rock below. "God. Can you tell them to stop or something? It's getting annoying."

"I can't tell people who think I abuse you to stop." Ayumi punched Katsuki's face with an aggravated scream.

"Don't be such a smart ass! It's not my fault your personality contributes to the idea!" Ayumi yelled.

Katsuki caressed his face, realizing it was possibly going to bruise effortlessly. "I don't get why you didn't tell people you fell and that's why you got all those bruises..."

"Because I didn't want to. You make it seem like everyone would believe me." Katsuki grimaced before picking up his pen again.

"It's not like they believe me."


Dinner was uncomfortably quiet as the four of them ate. Katsuki putting up with nibbles at the broccoli in front of him. Mitsuki appeared to glean as she glimpsed over at Ayumi's face.

"Ayumi, you're just so gorgeous! I don't know how Katsuki could have ended up with a girl like you." the teenage girl cheerfully laughed at the compliment.

"I'm only with him for his dick anyways."

"I totally get you." Katsuki changed positions around in his seat, pulling his shirt collar up slightly.

He rather conserve the lie that what the two did was consensual.

Masaru lightly smiled at Katsuki while he placed his shaky fork down on the table. "So Katsuki, how's school?"

The blonde boy shrugged. "It's—fine."

"Ugh, don't lie, asshole," Ayumi slapped Katsuki with a frown. "He keeps on getting bullied cause people think he's abusing me. It's actually funny what some of the insults people come up with."

Mitsuki appeared to groan at Katsuki's response to such a hit. "Katsuki, grow up. You're a man. Handle it like a man. Don't start bitching now."

Masaru sadly stared at Mitsuki then back at Katsuki. The teenager slowly nodded his head, picking his fork up to continue eating his food.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒍l𝒐w 𝒕h𝒆 𝒚e𝒍l𝒐w 𝒃r𝒊c𝒌 𝒓o𝒂d )˚✧₊⁎ 。
but I love you, we'll get past this, i'm a girl with
a whole lot of baggage, yeah
words: 843
i made this short because i like cliffhangers

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒍l𝒐w 𝒕h𝒆 𝒚e𝒍l𝒐w 𝒃r𝒊c𝒌 𝒓o𝒂d )˚✧₊⁎ 。but I love you, we'll get past this, i'm a girl witha whole lot of baggage, yeahwords: 843i made this short because i like cliffhangers

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