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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓐𝓱! Hello, Kirishima!"

"Hi, Mr. Yaketsuku. How are you?" The redhead asked, placing down the groceries.

"I'm good as always. How's UA treating you?" The generous store owner asked while checking out Kirishima's items.

"Amazing so far! All Might is so manly, and the teachers are beyond incredible!" The store owner chuckled.

"Sounds like you're having a great time."

"I am! My friends are so chill and fun to hang out with!" As the two proceeded with the discussion, a blonde walked into the mart.

It was raining cats and dogs out there, and the boy's clothing was soaked heavily. The water trickling all over the elegant flooring. His hoodie keeping his face dry. "Hey, kid!"

A security guard clutched the teen's arm. "Don't come in here dripping all this water! You teens are always so immature and rude!"

"Kaiyō, it's ok. I know him."

The security guard attended to his supervisor, flinging the teen's arm as he walked back to his position. Scrambling over to Yaketsuku, the teen looked up with troubled eyes.

"It's ok, Katsuki. What do you need?" The owner recited in a delicate voice. Inspecting around the rims from behind Kirishima, Katsuki clasped onto a candy bar.

Parking it on the counter, Yaketsuku sighed. "It's cold, Katsuki. Are you sure you don't want anything hot? We just restocked on some fresh, hot sandwiches."

Glancing at the payment tags of the sandwiches, Katsuki pulled the crumpled cash. After estimating what he had, his shoulders dropped. Soon sliding the mashed money to the owner.

"Katsuki—" The boy immediately shook his head, slipping the money closer to Yaketsuku.

With a sad frown, Yaketsuku took the cash. Placing it in the register, he nodded his head towards the teen. Grabbing the candy bar off of the counter, Katsuki took a glance at Kirishima.

"Sorry..." He whispered, before shortly fleeing the store. Kirishima lifting his eyebrows.

"Who was that?" The striving hero asked Yaketsuku.

"Katsuki Bakugou. He's a sweetheart, but stubborn. During these times, he comes into the shop when he can to buy some food. He's...homeless. Been out there since he was eleven. I offered him a job here, but he always declines. Never really tells me the reason, maybe cause he's insecure.

"Poor thing. The only thing he told me was when he came in here the first time. Saying he got kicked out and it was his birthday. I always offer him some free food, hot food for cold weather, and cold food for warm weather. But, he always insists on buying with however much he has."

Kirishima stared at the door Katsuki just departed from. Taking a glimpse at the sandwiches, he smiled slightly. "I'll get two of them."


Leaving the shop with an umbrella in hand, Kirishima looked down the alleyway next to the store. Going down it, he caught the same black hoodie from before.

Katsuki sat on the wet dirt, his back leaned up against a dumpster while he nibbled on the chocolate bar. When he saw the heavy silhouette, he glanced up.

"Oh...did you came to beat me?" Kirishima was taken off guard by the question.

"What? No, no I would never."

"Oh. Sorry for assuming. It just happens often." Katsuki accepted another small bite of the chocolate bar, struggling to save what he could of it.

Rummaging through one of the plastic bags, Katsuki eyed the teen do so, a blank expression on his face. Bringing out the steaming sandwich, he passed it to Katsuki. The boy gasping with awe.

"Here. I thought you might need it."

Katsuki stared at the thing. "I can't take this. You wasted your money on me. Just—"

"Please, I insist."

Reluctance sprinted through Katsuki's body. Squeezing the plastic-wrapped fabric, he tugged it out of Kirishima's hands. Eyeing at the food in his own hands.

"Hey," Kirishima kneeled to Katsuki's level. "Do you want to stay at my house for the night?"

Katsuki gulped. "I don't wanna intrude—"

"No! I insist!" Getting up, Kirishima stretched out his hand to Katsuki. "Come on. Please."

Peering at Kirishima's hand, Katsuki nodded as he heaved himself off of the ground. The two left the alleyway and down to wherever the redhead did indeed live.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
'cause I...
I don't love you anymore
words: 723
may do a part two

I don't love you anymorewords: 723may do a part two

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