not my responsibility

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happy october babes

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happy october babes. my hoco is coming soon and i actually have a date :D
should i show u guys my hoco pics ;)

the following is for mature audience only.
viewer discretion is advised
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎e𝒆t 𝒎e 𝒂f𝒕e𝒓 𝒔c𝒉o𝒐l )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 light sounds of a scribbling lead pen replenished the somewhat empty classroom. Piercing velvet eyes were constantly glancing up towards the front classroom door. The student couldn't even seem to concentrate properly on the note-taking.

The subtle audio of a paper dropping onto his desktop forced the boy's attention to it. Forcing his head around the room to try and assume who would plant the note.

Although his attention would be turned back towards the folded piece of paper. The chipped fingertip of his thumb scanned inside the fold of the lined piece of paper.

A frown existed upon the boy's face. Those once vibrant, fierce eyes stared at the context of the note in fear and unfortunate content.

Meet me after school


Muffled grunts and anguished groans ensued from behind the school. The older boy glaring down at the junior down to his knees in front of him. Fingers wrapped indubitably into the dried-up hair of the teen below.

Gagging on the penis in his mouth, Katsuki continued to try and resist what was transpiring. Presumingly thinking to add pressure down on his teeth. The older boy grunting in disgust.

"Don't you dare bite down, jack ass." the grip on Katsuki's hair fastened until a dominant thrust forced the organ down Katsuki's throat. Salty tears compressed the brim of his enlarged eyes.

The vulnerable hold Katsuki had upon the upperclassmen's blazer began to fiddle in discomfort and delicate fear. Moans and groans proceeded to rise in absolute volume from the rose-tinted lips of the upperclassmen. Continual thrusts become harsh and more brutal into Katsuki's mouth.

A boisterous groan evaded the throat of the teen. Strings of white substance flew much too deep in Katsuki's throat as it attempted to swim down. Thunderous puffs of air filled Katsuki's cheek, before hunching himself over the cemented flooring.

Horrid chunks of food and semen branched on the hardened floor. An elaborate twist of arms dangled around his abdomen while his teeth were grinding against one another. "You fucking bitch!"

Time appeared to be delayed in the mind of Katsuki. An indefinite yank of Katsuki's hair progressed, as his head was slammed into the brick wall of the estate building. The drastic effect compelled Katsuki to the ground lightheaded and dazed.

"Fucker! You spit it out!" a powerful kick conducted into his stomach. Katsuki nearly regurgitating once again.

"I-I couldn't do it. It hurts to...It makes me feel s-sick."

"Oh, so it's my fault you're a weak little bitch?!" propelling Katsuki back to his knees, Katsuki's couldn't stand to even look at the striking eyes of the boy above.

"Hey. Suck it again. And this time, your ass better swallow it." heeding the ominous words, the manner of fear submerged across Katsuki's complexion.

"N-No! I can't do it! Pl-Please! Please don't make me do that again! The rape is getting too much for me-! I can't do this anymore! Please!" Katsuki's hair was forced back towards the upperclassmen. Strands of blonde hair delicately plummeting onto the pewter concrete.

"Shut the fuck up! You think I give a damn what you have to say?!" Katsuki stared at the organ in front of him, the intersections of his lips trembling from what he would have to conduct.

Lightly, the pinkish hue of his tongue flicked outwards, subtlety beginning to lick at the penis in front of him. Before fastening his lips around the tip as the boy above hissed in delight.

"Don't pretend like you don't like this. Do your parents know what type of fag you are? Or are they too busy beating your ass to how you reek of sex!" Katsuki backed away from the boy once more.

"I-I get it! I'm disgusting! I'm different!" I don't want to do this—It's ruining me!" rather than aiming for his hair, the boy dug his nails deep into Katsuki's arm. The abrupt tension compelling a bloodcurdling howl from the core of his lungs.

"Take a fucking look at where you are, you fucking bitch! Karma for all the fucking bullying and talk you do! Imagine! People finding out your ass is getting fucked behind the school! Then everyone will know what type of disgusting little bitch you are!"

An abrupt click of an object forced Katsuki to stiffen. With wide eyes, his pupils gradually turned themselves to the weapon that rested in the boy's hand. A silver dagger that could almost be lethal to even peer at. "Keep up with your bullshit attitude, and I'll stab right into your ear so hard, you'll go deaf."

Katsuki sniffled loudly, his body trembling in dismay at the knife so close to his earlobe. "Ok...Ok. I'll go fast. I just...I just want to get away."

Proceeding to suck on the organ, the boy above snarled down. "Finally. Your ass realized how useless you fucking are. What position you're finally in, you abused little slit!"

Katsuki had felt the substance warm in his mouth. Although, it wasn't what he was foreseeing. Unexpectedly, the penis was jabbed out of his mouth. Drizzling over his head, as the liquid dripped down his hair on over his skin and ebony uniform.

The immediate realization of what it was made the Katsuki start to cry harder than before. Horrid smell and aroma of urination in his being made Katsuki feel squeamish to his core.

The upperclassmen men threw Katsuki's against the wall, blood stirring with the urination as the attacker began to walk away. Katsuki watching him weakly from the footing.

Trembling hands were positioned between his tightly squeezed thighs. "Now I have to go home like this..."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎e𝒆t 𝒎e 𝒂f𝒕e𝒓 𝒔c𝒉o𝒐l )˚✧₊⁎ 。
i'm getting older, i think i'm aging well
i wish someone had told me
i'd be doing this by myself
there's reasons that i'm thankful,
there's a lot i'm grateful for
but it's different when a stranger's
always waiting at your door
words: 1034

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎e𝒆t 𝒎e 𝒂f𝒕e𝒓 𝒔c𝒉o𝒐l )˚✧₊⁎ 。i'm getting older, i think i'm aging welli wish someone had told me i'd be doing this by myselfthere's reasons that i'm thankful, there's a lot i'm grateful forbut it's different when a stranger's always...

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