god is a woman

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based on a true story i'm not the biggest fan of how it came out ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂t𝒉e𝒏a: 𝒈o𝒅d𝒆s𝒔 𝒕h𝒂t 𝒄r𝒆a𝒕e𝒅 𝒎a𝒏 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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based on a true story
i'm not the biggest fan of how it came out
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂t𝒉e𝒏a: 𝒈o𝒅d𝒆s𝒔 𝒕h𝒂t 𝒄r𝒆a𝒕e𝒅 𝒎a𝒏 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 rest of the dorms were entirely deserted. Besides the blossoming common room. Everyone seemed to be chatting and chilling with someone by their side.

Class 1-A's girls were busy either chatting with fellow boys or helping one another with homework. Mina, Ochako, and Momo sat on the opposite side of the sofa from Kirishima and Katsuki.

As Mina let out a giggle, she could hear a vague screech. Her eyes turned to the intersection of her sclera. Seeing Katsuki nudged Kirishima playfully, the redhead glared at him.

Immediately grabbing hold of Katsuki's shoulder, Kirishima forced him closer towards his body. His hand rose in the air as he continually slammed it down on Katsuki's head.

After a few hits, the tall teen pushed his boyfriend away from him. "Don't fucking touch me like that."

The blonde curled himself up as he spaced himself away from a pissed Kirishima. The trio of women noticed the occurrence go down.

Neither of them were going to let it go.

"Hey," Kirishima and Katsuki looked over at a scowling Mina. "Why the hell did you hit him like that? He was only playing with you."

"Mind your business, Mina. This is my relationship, not yours."

"Are you serious?" soon, it was Ochako's turned to get involved in this mess. "You just hit your boyfriend. Multiple times. What do you mean by "mind your business." "

Kaminari and Sero were the first to scoff at the girls trying to get involved. "That's what men do. They're only fucking with each other, that's it."

"I didn't even think you were that dumb. Life proves me wrong every day." Jirou remarked with an eye roll.

"The hell? That's what men do. We mess with each other. It's not like we mean any harm. You females are so sensitive." Sero replied.

"Yeah. Are you guys like...PMSing or something? It's not that big of a deal."

The remainder of the girls were quick to pick up their heads at Kaminari's demeans of them. Momo providing him a side-eye.

"Why did you assume she was PMSing? She's worried about a fellow friend and classmate, who was just hit by his boyfriend." the boy groaned at another call out.

Sniffling caught everyone's scrutiny in only a few short seconds. Katsuki wiping his tears while attempting to cover them up. Half of the women rushed over to him, quick to reassure him.

"Oh, right. If Bakugou was a man, he wouldn't be crying about this. What, are you a sissy?" Mineta blurted while some boys snickered.

"What the fuck are you on? Everyone cries!"

"Yeah, but over Kirishima just play fighting with him? That's fucking stupid." Sero elbowed Kaminari with a slight smirk.

"Maybe he is getting abused. Serves him right if he's acting like that. Kirishima is just trying to man him up."

"Ok, you crossed the fucking line. Are you saying that Bakugou deserves to be abused because he's not acting like a man?" Mina mocked as the other girls started getting closer towards the living space.


"Fuck you. What gives you the right to say anything of that? Stop trying to defend Kirishima! He just hit his significant other over what? Bakugou play fighting with him?!"

"Bitch, shut up."

"I know for a fact you did not just call me a bitch!-"

Kirishima promptly snatched Katsuki towards him. Once the duo had an abrupt chat, Katsuki gradually bounced his head. His boyfriend yanked his wrist harshly and started guiding him towards the dorm's exit.

The remainder is of the girls immediately got in front of them in alarm. "Where are you going?!"

"To get my boyfriend away from this. I don't need you females telling me how I should treat my significant other."

The girls promptly pulled Katsuki away from Kirishima, much to the redhead's irritation. Along with the other boys in the room.

"This is crazy! Leave them alone!"

"I'm not leaving an abuser to abuse his boyfriend! No! Why are you all defending him by saying men don't get abused?! That "boys" deserve to be abused because they aren't man enough! What's wrong with you?!"

The arguing proceeded forward as the girls steered Katsuki away from the statement. Kaminari quick to growl at Mina's attitude. "You should treat us with respect!—"

"Why should I treat boys with such fragile masculinities with my utmost respect?!"

"We're the backbone of society!"

The girls laughed with disbelief. Mina stepping forward with a glare. "Women create life. We're the backbones of society. So you should start treating us with the respect we deserve."

Momo glared at the boys. "We're telling Aizawa. None of us are going to let such actions go unnoticed."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂t𝒉e𝒏a: 𝒈o𝒅d𝒆s𝒔 𝒕h𝒂t 𝒄r𝒆a𝒕e𝒅 𝒎a𝒏 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
my one, it lingers when we're done
you'll believe God is a woman,
words: 965

we went to this restaurant and this couple was playing with each other. but one of them shoved the other playfully and he got really mad and just started hitting the other boy. they were with these boys that just batted an eye. one of my best friends (love you, amy) stood up and basically took the boy away from his abusive boyfriend after he had hit him and degraded him a couple more times. she confronted the other boys and they were basically saying how he deserved it and it was just play fighting. after an hour of Amy being god, she left the table and we took the boy to a different restaurant. he ended up calling his friend and stayed the night at his house.
God was a Woman and it was Amy
love you the most

 God was a Woman and it was Amy love you the most ♡

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