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what sequels would u guys like for tonight: save your tears, you'll never know, quit, leave me lonely, or a new one

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what sequels would u guys like for tonight: save your tears, you'll never know, quit, leave me lonely, or a new one

highly recommend listening to the song above
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔o, 𝒃a𝒃y, 𝒄a𝒏 𝒚o𝒖 𝒆a𝒕 𝒊t 𝒇r𝒐m 𝒕h𝒆 𝒃a𝒄k )˚✧₊⁎

𝓣𝓱𝓮 moon's blinding aura sunk through the curtains of the bedroom. Clothes tangled across the flooring, leading towards the bed in the far corner of the room. A shirtless redhead dozing soundly on his pillow, an arm dangling off of the edge.

The vague aroma of smoke could be picked up around the room. His back against the wall as his fingers lifted the bud in his hand up towards his lips. Inhaling in the nicotine inside the cigarette, his lips puckered together to discharge the steam cloud.

Katsuki stared down at the body snoozing next to him. A grimace plunging upon his face, his head turning away from Kirishima. Just looking at the man next to him made him feel guilty and insecure.

The whole friends with benefit shit was ruining his life. And self-esteem.

Twisting the cigarette around on the wall, he let it drop to the comforter. Promptly gathering his clothes and personal belongings, Katsuki dressed himself up before escaping out of the balcony.

Pops and crackles could be heard through the atmosphere, just as Katsuki pushed his balcony door open. Before slamming it right back shut. Erratic breathing pushed through his lungs; Katsuki could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest.

With an aggravated sigh, he hurled his commodities down on the rigid floor. The crashing sounds of the items landing roughly on the ground didn't seem to trouble him.

Grunting loudly, Katsuki fell on the bed. Immediately collapsing to sleep in seconds.


The class bombed with chatter while numerous teens struggled to huddle breakfast for the day ahead. Katsuki typed on his phone as he sat lounging on one of the chairs in the common room.

A few familiar sets of voices provoked Katsuki's eyes as he glimpsed towards his sides. Kaminari and Kirishima cheerfully chatted away with one another. The taller redhead appeared to be blushing a mild color.

A ping of jealously circulated throughout his body. A particular feeling that he couldn't appear to characterize seemed to blend with the emotion of jealousy. Rolling his eyes, he struggled to focus back on his phone.

"Hey, I'll be right back! I just need to get something from my dorm!" Kirishima stated to Kaminari as the blonde nodded his head.

As Kirishima left towards his dorm, Katsuki gazed from a distance. Debating whether or not he should pursue him. The redhead pushed his dorm door open, scrambling to try and find the notebook he was looking for.

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