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i'm such a disaster, i'm sorry story idea by lalaland90876 ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒕h𝒆 𝒘h𝒊s𝒕l𝒆 𝒑a𝒔t 𝒎y 𝒆a𝒓s )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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i'm such a disaster, i'm sorry
story idea by lalaland90876
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒕h𝒆 𝒘h𝒊s𝒕l𝒆 𝒑a𝒔t 𝒎y 𝒆a𝒓s )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓨𝓸𝓾 think he's coming?"

"Probably. After what Asuka said to him? He's definitely going to show up. And when he does, we'll make sure—"

"Pshhh! He's coming!"

The groups of teens concealing the region were virtually bouncing with enthusiasm. Something sadistic ran through each one of their psyches.

The devil spread inside them.

Leaves and branches emerged with a crunch, as Katsuki came through from the forest's heavy perimeter. Rolling his eyes, he scanned around the area. Constructing his eye's into minor slits.

"Alright, Asuka. Get your fucking ass out here. I know your bitch ass isn't going to say all that shit to my face and not fight me."


Immediately, Katsuki froze upon heeding the command. About to turn back around, he was slammed backward into the insect-infested flooring. With a revolted groan, he looked around the area.

But, a hard contact with skin and bone impacted his face. One of the boys jerking his fist from the pain. "Fucking finally. I can beat your ass. We're all sick of your stuck-up attitude."

Another one pulled on Katsuki's hair. Elegant blonde portions feel down upon his cotton shirt. "Damnit, why'd you come back to camp again?!"

Dirt scattered around as the boys kicked at the lad beneath them. Verbally insulting him while continuous beatings came and gone. The moonlight was beginning to twinkle so much brighter.

"I have an idea." One of the boys perked up. As the others gathered around to listen to what precisely he had to say, they all communicated that same sinister smirk.

Taking hold of Katsuki's arms, the teenagers began to haul his somewhat unconscious body.

Towards the cliff's edge.

Some cackled at the height of the mountain, others arose more troubled and stressed. Turning around to encounter the group of nervous men, the "leader" of this heinous attack chuckled.

"Relax, fuckers. There's a river below it. He'll be fine."

"...Yeah, but—"

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