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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃u𝒃b𝒍e 𝒈u𝒎 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃u𝒃b𝒍e 𝒈u𝒎 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓗𝓮𝔂, I'm home," Isamu clamored while shutting the door. Kirishima panned out from the kitchen, a tray full of burned cookies in his hands.

"Sorry. I was attempting to make some deserts." Kirishima said, chuckling the exchange off.

Except Isamu didn't laugh with him.

A small frown on his face as he gazed at his dad. "Hey...can we talk?"

Kirishima positioned the tray on the counter, concerned about what Isamu had to announce. Usually, the teen maintained to himself so this was upsetting to hear. "Yeah...of course."

The teen governed his father to the divan, motioning for him to sit down. Attending to his son's command, Kirishima took a seat while he supervised Isamu bite down on his talon.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen at—"

"It's about Katsuki."

The hero looked stunned to hear about Katsuki from his son. Raising an eyebrow, he narrowly glared. "Did you see him? Did he do something to you? Isamu, tell me if he did—"

"No! Damnit!—I ruined his life, ok?!" water droplets fell from his face as he began to sob in front of his dad. Kirishima getting up and reassuring him.

"No, you didn't. Isamu, he hit. And he degraded you. You don't have to feel sorry for him."

"No! I-I-I had been abusing him! For a year! He-He was in a bad mood that day! And-And he went off! That's why! Please! I didn't mean to ruin his life! He was wor-working at a cafe and we got him fired! I didn't mean to do any of this! I just wanted him gone!"

Isamu recharged the room with his sorry alibi of tears and sorrow. Kirishima compelling Isamu to look at him. The venom present in his sights made the teen stiffen.

"You mean to tell me, you had been abusing Katsuki for a year. And that when I fucking pinned him to the wall and accused him of abusing you, you were the one that provoked him. That he was defending himself. And you didn't even have the fucking balls to say anything and let Katsuki take the blame."

"I'm so sorry! Please! Please, I'm so sorry!"

Flinging Isamu's jaw, Kirishima picked up his jacket and keys and fled the house. Slamming the door shut as the house clattered with his impact. Isamu slumped onto the floor, weeping and wailing while his physique agonizes just by acknowledging what he did.


Isamu had slowly begun to open his eyes. He had gone to sleep as soon as he completed his breakdown downstairs. Realizing that it was one in the morning, Isamu got up to get a snack.

But he was astounded to see the corridor light still on. And how the downstairs lights hadn't even caused aversion. He could have sworn he turned all the lights off.

The stairs screeched as Isamu glance a few steps down towards the kitchen. Before he could arrive, he saw a whiff of red hair setting on the couch. Gazing at the coffee table much to Isamu's concern.

Walking towards his dad, Isamu choked. "—"

He had stopped once he saw the individual laying on his dad. Katsuki was trimmed in bruises, scrapes, and cuts. His face was beaten black and blue while his body jerked and shook. A sheet laid onto him as Kirishima had one of his arms fastened protectively around him.

"Wha-what happened to him..."

"I asked some pro hero friends to look for him. One of them found him in an alley. He said he was mugged before he blacked out. Turns out he had been staying in that alley. His stuff was unpacked and he created a bed and such out of clothes,"

Kirishima glared at Isamu, as the teen looked down in shame. "Katsuki was abused when he was a child. And he didn't want to turn out like his parents. So instead, you brought him hell for another year.

"This was supposed to be his safe place. He loved it here, and he loved both of us. Now...I'm not so sure. Kat always puts himself before others. It's sad but, that's how he is. For now, he's staying here. And if I so help as see a new bruise or cut on him, I won't hesitate to kick you into the streets. Got it?"


"Great. Now get out and leave us be."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃u𝒃b𝒍e 𝒈u𝒎 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
don't know if I should fight or fly
but I don't mind
words: 760
let me love you ii coming up :)

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒃u𝒃b𝒍e 𝒈u𝒎 )˚✧₊⁎ 。don't know if I should fight or flybut I don't mindwords: 760let me love you ii coming up :)

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