almost is never enough

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔o𝒓r𝒚 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔o𝒓r𝒚 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓣𝓱𝓮 sounds of giggling children in the atmosphere pursued into the kitchen. Just as a young adult exited, plates balancing on his arms and hands. Placing each one down for each of the four kids.

One of the girls scowled down at the plate. "I said I didn't want waffles!" she cried out, hurling her breakfast onto the ground in outrage.

The blonde stiffened at the sound. The two parents barely even glanced up at the scene. "Ask Katsuki to make you something else or whatever..."

Katsuki came over to the young girl. "Uh, what else would you like to eat—"

"I want pancakes with french toast." Katsuki grinned while nodding his head. Orbiting the young girl's seat to pick up the demolished mess.

He could tell how long this day was going to be.


The front door closed quietly. It was already quite late, and Katsuki wasn't in the mood to wake up his teenage son upstairs. Reaching the dining room, he scowled at the stacks of papers and bills loaded among each other.

The envelope scraped in his palms as he ripped open the commodity. Flinging it onto the table, he began to count the cash. A quick spilt and he established two equal pieces.

He cheerfully walked down the foyer and towards his kid's room. Thumping on the door, he could hear a subtle "come in." Upon entering the room, Katsuki scrambled towards his working son.

Bringing him into a hug, the teen-only rolled his eyes. "Hey, Keiji. How was school today?"

"Mhm." Katsuki released himself from his son. Soon, delivering him the money. With a frown, Keiji took the pile.

"I just got paid today, so there's some money for you to spend, and I'll put the rest towards your tuition for UA. I'm still struggling with the bills, so I can't go grocery shopping this week." Katsuki clarified while untying his apron.

Keiji threw the bundle of cash onto his lame excuse of a desk. "Whatever. Can't you just give me the whole stack?"

Katsuki peeked at him perplexed. "No...the rest is for your tuition. I can't afford a lot of stuff, Keiji, you know that."

He scoffed. "Yeah. I don't even know why you adopted me. You didn't even have the funds to take care of me properly."

"Keiji...why are you acting like this? You're usually ok with the allowance I give you. Did something happen at school?—"

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