met him last night ii

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒆v𝒊d𝒆n𝒄e )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 had come and gone and before Katsuki knew it, it had been another year. This year would have been his first debut as a pro hero. Unfortunately, his ambition was dashed four years ago.

Trembling in the corner of the shed, without any blankets to keep his warmth, he suffered. Shivering hot breaths blew onto his hands as he rubbed them together.

He could hear the yelling of his kidnappers nearly every night, starting just a week ago. He hasn't a clue what they were screaming and panicking about. Nor could he care less.

The shed's door creaked open. The light from outside penetrating the shack, along with some snow. Perking up from his shuddering state, he sighted Eito standing there.

"Let's go."

Nodding his head, Katsuki pulled himself up. Just as his body left the shed, the cold winter breeze along with his bare feet on the frigid snow was enough for him to wheeze.

As Eito strolled in front of him, Katsuki noted how distant they were heading from the cabin and the barn. Proceeding to shudder, Eito soon stopped at a stream. The water appeared bitter and cold. Katsuki's reflection shining up at him.

"Katsuki," the blonde could hear a subtle click as he trembled. "Get on your knees. Don't look back at me. Just face the water."

Realizing what was coming, Katsuki slowly got down to his knees. The snow making slight crunching noises as his knees plummeted into the element. "Hands behind your back."

Obeying the man's orders, Katsuki did as he was instructed. "Can I ask you something? Before—you kill me."

"...Hurry up."

"Can I—pull something out of my pocket?" Eito scoffed. Katsuki sensing the frigid muzzle positioned on the back of his head.

"Do it quick. If you try to pull anything, I'll shoot your ass dead here." reaching into his back pocket, he brought out a crumpled polaroid. Sadly smiling at it, he clenched it in his hands.

"Any last words?" Katsuki sniffled.

"Go to hell."


Thundering footsteps beat down on the snow, demolishing its once perfect state. S.W.A.T team and pros scrambled towards the house, booting the door open with rifles in the air.

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