forever boy

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂l𝒊g𝒏i𝒏g 𝒑l𝒂n𝒆t𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒂l𝒊g𝒏i𝒏g 𝒑l𝒂n𝒆t𝒔 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓼 curled in all sorts of different directions. A pattern that proceeded forward in a timely fashion. Finally, the finished product was a single braid. The creator of the hairstyle held it together with his free hand.

The small child swayed her legs up and down. She could subtly pick up the sounds of her clips and accessories being pushed around. She excitedly grinned as she felt a few of her clips slip into her hair.

"Ok, I finished. Do you wanna see it?"

"Yes, please!" the man narrowly chuckled at the child's enthusiasm. Passing her the pink, heart-shaped mirror, he could hear her bubbly gasp. The child moving her head back to take a glimpse at her hair accessories.

Gasping once again, she turned back to face the man behind her. "You put my strawberries clips in my hair! And my red and green accessories to match with my dress! Thank you, Katsuki!"

Tumbling back into Katsuki's chest for a hug, he obliged. Although, he had subtle reluctance. The moment didn't last too long, as a rumbling of footsteps powered closer to the living space.

"Let me see what he did to your hair."

A broad figure of a man stood behind the couch where the two sat. The child cheerfully nodded her head, scrambling towards her father with a smile. "Daddy, look! Katsuki even put cute strawberries to match my dress!"

Kirishima bent down to his daughter's level. Evaluating her braid, he grinned at her. With the tilt of his head, his lips connected with his child's chubby, red cheek.

"He did very well. How about you go upstairs, and you and your brother can gather your school materials? School photos are today."

"Yes, I know! You don't have to keep telling me, daddy. You told me..." the girl went silent. A concentrated expression overtook her face as she began to speculate.

Kirishima lowly giggled at his daughter's attitude. "I just didn't want you to forget. Now hurry upstairs and make sure you have everything."

Bouncing her head, the girl ran towards her bedroom. Yelling out her brother's name through her high-pitched voice. Once the child had left the living space, Kirishima swerved to Katsuki.

The blonde looked up to him with imploring eyes. Immediately, Katsuki shut his eyes when he saw Kirishima's arm move. Feeling a soft brush of his hair, and a light delicate touch on his cheek, he glistened.

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