someone like u

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄e𝒍l 𝒑h𝒐n𝒆s 𝒐f𝒇 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒄e𝒍l 𝒑h𝒐n𝒆s 𝒐f𝒇 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓜𝓪𝓷, I'm so hyped for this movie!" Kaminari remarked, shaking his popcorn and slushie around.

"Careful, man! It was like forty bucks for those!" Sero warned as the group reached the theater. Mina and Jirou pinpointed the row they were in, as they and the boys sat down.

"Thanks, Kiri for getting us those 3D tickets! I heard they cost an arm and a leg for only one." Mina said, jerking her best friend's arm cheerfully.

Kirishima smiled. "Thank god I got them when the sale was happening. They sold out in seconds."

"Yeah, people are saying it's the best movie of the year," Jirou claimed while snatching a few portions of Kaminari's popcorn.

The UA kids continued to gossip and joke with one another while they lingered for the film to begin. The cinema's lanterns bright while ads played on the screen.

Kirishima turned away from the others to take a sip from his slushie, peeking a few seats from him. A blonde sat fidgeting with his fingers in his lap. His eyes blankly looking at them.

From a row up, a committee of boys hurled popcorn towards him. Laughing and taunting him as the boy would tremble occasionally from the popcorn striking him.

His nails scouring into his nail beds as he jabbed and peeled at them. "Turn around, you worthless bitch!"

One of the boys shouted, tossing his slushie at the boy's head. Crashing into the back of his seat, small splashes hitting the back of his neck. His hands slowly trickled into his sweatshirt sleeves, wiping the sweet drink from the back of his neck and his hair. Soon parking them back in their initial position.

The group members watched the interaction in disgust. Mina and Jirou getting riled up. Kirishima looked towards the extras. Fleeing from his seat, he walked over to him. Promptly tapping on him as he looked up.

"Hey. I'm sorry for what they're doing. You wanna sit with us?" Kirishima requested, suggesting to the waving squad. Proceeding to jerk his fingers, he perked up at Kirishima.

"I don't want you to waste your time on me. I'm used to this, it's ok—"

"No, please. I—We insist." Kirishima extended his hand. Peering at it, the mystery boy took it, as Kirishima steered him over to his committee.

The group cheerily grinned and welcomed him, Sero arising from his middle seat and offering it to the boy. Even though he had struggled to persuade the taped quirk hero that he didn't have to do that.

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