shut up iii

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i'm working on my next era's covers and oh my god, im so in love with them ゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒖m𝒍a𝒃e𝒍e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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i'm working on my next era's covers and oh my god, im so in love with them
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒖m𝒍a𝒃e𝒍e𝒅 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 silence blanked the house. Fuji couldn't take even going on social media. The persisting aid he received from social media, and the amount of hate Katsuki was receiving.

Hundreds upon thousands of comments under his Instagram posts were all negative. A majority of the comments comprised of death threats and insulting him to hell.

Fuji could feel the shame of what he's done gush down on him.

Light clicks of the phone turning off lifted the room from its once deafening silence. Fuji promptly left the room, abandoning his phone on the bedroom mattress.

Commotions of the wooden stairs creaked as Fuji scrambled down the steps. Only to be confronted by Kirishima at the dining room table. The redhead glanced up in Fuji's direction, slowly straightening himself in his seat.

The uncomfortable glare Kirishima was bestowing him was making Fuji squirm. Quivering his lip, Fuji trudged forward towards his older brother. Kirishima's glare not tempted to shift.

"...Why'd you do it? Why'd you lie about your rape?" Kirishima sadly asked.

The teen's gaze dropped to his feet. "...I kept getting these feelings around him. And I didn't know what they were...until I realized that I liked him. And I hated it. Because—I didn't want to admit to myself that I was gay.

"I didn't mean—to snap. I was drawn to him, so I wanted to touch him. I wasn't thinking of what I did, I was thinking of revenge. I'm-I'm so sorry, Eijiro. I'm so, so sorry."

"You're sorry," Kirishima stood up from his seat with trembling fists. "You're sorry?! You're sorry for wanting to rape someone because—what?! You couldn't "control" yourself?!

"No, you wanted to rape him. You knew that moment Katsuki struggled under you, the moment you landed that punch to his face, the moment you called him a fag after he wouldn't let you rape him, you wanted revenge.

"Screw you. You knew what you were doing was wrong. You didn't stop. You went on with the lie. You stupid bitch—Stay the hell away from me, I don't want anything to do with you."

"How-How did you even know what I said to him?—"

"Does it matter?! Don't fucking talk to me!" Kirishima stormed out of the room in a fury. The front door slamming close with the walls around it rattling at the force.

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