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when i was younger, i put myself on such a high platform of what successful was that i never lived it down

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when i was younger, i put myself on such a high platform of what successful was that i never
lived it down. this is my inspiration

i don't do drugs, save your tears,
shut up, bad decisions or a new sequel?
viewer discretion is advised
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒎y 𝒂i𝒓 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

"𝓐𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 ultimate move, Jirou! I would recommend just amplifying your volume and practice on holding it a little longer." All Might announced with his glinting smile.

Jirou thanked the two teachers, heading over to the pupils who had already conducted their ultimate move. Today's lesson for the students was executing and reviewing their ultimate move alone in front of the two teachers and students.

Katsuki uncomfortably grimaced at the gravel in front of him. The spot where he had to perform his ultimate move at. "Bakugou,"

Katsuki looked over at Aizawa and All Might. "You're up."

Attempting to swallow down his nerves, Katsuki strode towards the grain. All Might and Aizawa examined the sheet of students concurrently. Katsuki clenching on his hero shirt just as Aizawa and All Might looked up.

Aizawa glanced over at Katsuki in concern, whose breathing was becoming more rigid and stiff. Kirishima slowly walked over to him, Katsuki beginning to cry out while proceeding to grip his shirt.

"I can't breathe..." Kirishima broadened his eyes.


"No, I can't breathe-!" Katsuki resumed sobbing while attempting to let out some aspect of air. Kirishima gradually brought him into his arms, his hand lifting into Katsuki's hair.

Kissing the top of his head, Kirishima frowned at Katsuki's state. "Come on. Let's calm you down, ok?"

Aizawa's concern was very apparent across his face. But, he knew he could trust Kirishima with Katsuki's well-being. So, he wasn't going to intervene in their circumstances.

Katsuki sat down in the corridor, still crying while trying to breathe. Kirishima rushed over with some water bottles from the available vending machine. Taking one in seconds, Katsuki began to chug down the water. The tears, unfortunately, not stopping.

The state in which Katsuki was in made Kirishima tear up. "Kat, I think all this pressure that All Might is putting on you is—weighing down on your mental health. And it's affecting how you even function.

"And-And how you get so nervous and scared to mess up not only for yourself but to him and Sensai that you're starting to break down." Kirishima was in tears at what was transpiring to Katsuki.

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