better left unsaid iv

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why y'all so obsessed with this story—god damnanyways back to our regularly scheduled programming

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why y'all so obsessed with this story—god damn
anyways back to our regularly scheduled programming

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。


The class grunted as Mina attained Uno once again. As everyone continued to play, no one noticed the off feeling of a specific boy.

"Class," the students turned around to be surprisingly met with a blonde woman. Clenching her purse as she worriedly looked around the room.

"This is Bakugou's mom. She came here to talk to him. Do you guys know where he is?" everyone glimpsed over at each other.

"Kirishima said he was sleeping when he went up there," Kaminari replied.

"Very well." Aizawa leads Mitsuki up the stairs of the dorm. Everyone was sadly frowning at the sight of the women's weak body.

Swiveling back towards the game, people sighed. "Do you think he's ok?" Momo invited.

"I dunno. Did your apology go well?" Sero announced with irritation. Kirishima hardened.


"Katsuki?! Katsuki! Baby, please wake up!"

With that immediate cry, the heroes plunged their cards and scrambled up the stairs. Arriving closer towards Katsuki's door, their eyes broadened while jaws plunged.

A pale corpse sifted of nearly all its pigment sat on the ground. Mitsuki clasping Katsuki's motionless head in her lap as she quaked back and forth in tears.

"I'm so sorry, baby! I'm so sorry!" Her tears declined onto his colorless cheeks, an array of emotions were felt from the group around. Aizawa turned to them with a brutal scowl.

"The door was open. There were no blood marks on the door. He didn't fucking open it. Who the fuck came here, and left him to die?" With a sluggish turn of heads, everyone encountered Kirishima with a heartbroken look.

"Y-You wouldn't...would you?" Sero stammered. Kaminari's eyes were simmering with animosity and sorrow.

"I-I didn't know what to do. I-I panicked, ok?! I didn't know what to do! He was crawling. His-His wrist! They were slit open! I could see bone and muscle! Anyone would panic in my position!"

"Panic," Kaminari stepped towards him. Jabbing a finger deep into his chest. "Your panic cost someone their life. Is that what you would do? What if you were called to a scene where someone attempted suicide on their wrist just like Bakugou!

"What would you do? Panic and leave them to die? Just like you did with Bakugou?! Really?! Are you that fucking crazy? You're no fucking hero, and your certainly no god damn man.

"If you were a man—you would have never broken up with Katsuki as he tried to help you after you lost your quirk for a while. You would have never said what you said to him. And you wouldn't let him die on the fucking ground!"

Sero and Todoroki pulled Kaminari back. They both knew what the blonde would do to Kirishima. And although neither would have minded it, they didn't want a whole brawl to go down while a mother was weeping and their classmate was dead.

"Kirishima," the redhead looked up towards his teacher."You're coming with me. I already called the police and ambulance. You're coming with me outside until the police get here. Turn around, hands behind your back."

With a weak nod, Kirishima turned himself around. Aizawa clamping tightly on his wrist. "W-Wait,"

The pair turned around to face the weeping Mitsuki. His droplets of tears flooding harder than ever. "What were his last words...?"

Kirishima was quiet. "He wanted to be happy. He-He didn't wanna die."

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。
i don't know why I run away, oh boy
words: 602

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒇o𝒖n𝒅 𝒚o𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。i don't know why I run away, oh boywords: 602

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