almost is never enough ii

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒊 𝒎i𝒔s 𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒊 𝒎i𝒔s 𝒖 )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓘𝓽 felt odd. Walking down his former academy. He felt out of place out of all these other kids. An apron draped over his body, bags under his eyes, pale skin, frail body.

Recollecting where the department was, he walked up towards the counter. Lingering around for somebody to come by and take in the sheets he had in his hand.


Troubled, he turned around. A redhead coming up towards him. Katsuki, humiliated by his attire, reddened. "Hey..."

"Oh hey. W-What are you doing here?—"

"Giving some rewritten documents to the school. Uh, something happened kid." Katsuki presented the papers to the woman in front of him. The lady walking off gazing at the terminology seeded on the paper.

"Oh, you have a kid? Congrats!—"

"He's adopted. He—was. He recently went back with his biological parents. He didn't...He didn't want to stay with me. He said he hates me..." Katsuki trailed off his verdict, upset with himself for raising the question when he knew how upset it made him.

Kirishima saddened. "I'm sorry. If it's ok...can I ask why?"

The blonde swallowed down the lump in his throat. "We didn't have the best lifestyle. But I tried to provide him the best I could since he was a baby. I guess—it wasn't enough. So, he went with his biological parents. I-I'm giving the documents to the school."

The receptionist came back over to the two. Glaring at Katsuki with a scoff, she gaped down at what he was wearing. "Dress more classy. This is UA Highschool."

"Sorry..." the women soon welcomed Red Riot with a sickly sweet smile.

"Did you need anything, Red Riot?" she inquired charmingly.

"No thanks, I just came with him." The receptionist appeared alarmed by the action. Shrugging, she swiveled to Katsuki.

"Did you want to change the payment methods for UA for Keiji Baku—I'm sorry, Keiji Shimizu?" Katsuki sadly frowned at the name modification.

"No, keep the payment method the same. That's all..." The lady rolled her eyes. Taking off back to her place in the back, Katsuki huddled the remainder of the manuscripts.

"Payment method?" Kirishima queried as Katsuki composed the bundle.

"His tuition. And textbook. His UA payments. I'm going to pay for them. Even though he's no longer my son legally, I want to help him the best I can. Be someone in his life even though...he doesn't want me to."

Katsuki looked towards Kirishima. Assessing his body movements and the way he shifted his arms around. He sighed, knowing what the pro wished to ask.

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