tattooed heart

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔h𝒖t 𝒖p )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔h𝒖t 𝒖p )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓢𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 bolted Katsuki up from the couch. Still a little drossy, he looked towards the side. Seeing his half-siblings moving around together. The toddlers laughing in amusement.

The female of the pair caught sight of Katsuki, seeing how he had woke up. "Izumi! Katsuki is awake!"

The boy's eyes twinkled at the lookout of Katsuki indeed awake. Bouncing over to him, he grinned. "Katsuki! How did you sleep?"

"Fine. How about you both?"

Before the kids could answer, a call from the kitchen alerted both of them. "Breakfast is ready!"

Clapping, the toddlers left Katsuki on the divan. The blonde groaning by all the immediate noise. Tossing his blanket off of his body, he trudged over to the dining room table.

As his stepmother proceeded to fix up the feasts, Katsuki took a seat next to his dad, who appeared to be examining the newspaper. A yawn reverberating out of his mouth.

"Good morning, Katsuki," Masaru said, not bothering to look at his son.


"Your mother is coming to get you today, right?"

"Mhm." Katsuki placed his hands on the table, waiting for the food to come.

"Katsuki, please take your hands off of the table. Niko doesn't like fingerprint stains on the glass." With an eye roll, he placed his hands back in his lap. The toddlers talking loudly among each other.

"Alright! Here's your food!" Placing the containers down in front of her family, Katsuki was left without a meal. The woman taking a seat next to the kids.

He knew that his father's new wife never liked him. It was a no-brainer. So, whenever he came over and he was never administered food, he dealt with it. Katsuki knew that he would make some food when he went back to his mom's.

Seeing the family eat and chat with each other, made the boy feel so out of place. An easy game of "Where's Waldo." Pouting, he slipped out of his seat. Starting to walk back to the couch.

"Katsuki," the boy circled to face his half-brother. "Do you want to play with us later? We were going to play heroes!"

"Izumi, what have I told you about playing with Katsuki?" Niko brought up. Izumi looked back at Katsuki with sad eyes.

"Sorry...mommy doesn't like when you play with us." Katsuki glimpsed at the married couple. Soon looking back at Izumi.

"It's ok. Listen to what your mommy says, ok?" The younger child nodded. Katsuki ruffling Izumi's hair before heading back to the couch.


Placing his backpack on his shoulders, Katsuki got up from the couch. The blankets he used were neatly folded on top of it. Katsuki saw his mom's car pull up from the window.

Going towards the kitchen, his father and stepmom dolled up the kitchen. The children playing up in their bedroom. "Mom just pulled up. So I'm going."

"Alright. Bye Katsuki."

Loitering for some type of hug, or even a look towards his way, he obtained nothing. Opening the door, he walked out without a look back. His mother pissed off like per usual.

Entering the car, he glanced over at her. "Hey."

"Shut up." Katsuki frowned. His mother glaring at the house in front of her before finally steering away from it.

By the time the two came home, Katsuki had already prepared himself for what he would confront inside. His mother pulled open the door, the house already a tangled bunch.

"I'm going to sleep." Leaving Katsuki alone downstairs, Mitsuki slammed the door to her bedroom shut. Katsuki shrugging.

Snatching a trash bag from nearby, he began to clean up his mother's trash. At this point, Katsuki was unfortunately used to arriving home like this. His mother getting drunk whenever he was at his father's for custody.

Finding a virtually full bottle of beer, Katsuki took a swig. Putting it back as he continued to clear around it. The night ahead of him was something he wasn't ready for but, he'll deal with it.

He always does.


"Your father wants to take you somewhere today. Says the little brats wanted you to come. So get ready." Mitsuki grunted out, pouring beer into her cereal.

Katsuki merely stared in disgust. "Yeah, whatever."

Finishing his horrible excuse of cereal, Katsuki placed it in the sink. Knowing he's washing it once he had come back. Throwing a jacket over, he rushed over to the door.

"See ya."

"Just get out, will ya?" With a click of his tongue, Katsuki left his "home." Coming towards his father's BMW. Hoping into the front seat, he could already sense the tense environment.

Knowing it was because he was coming with them.


"Katsuki shut the hell up. We didn't want you to come, just so you know. We only did this cause the kids wanted you to come." Masaru started the car up.

Katsuki peeked down at his lap with minor pricks of water constructing at the tips of his eyes.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔h𝒖t 𝒖p )˚✧₊⁎ 。
depression and obsession don't mix well
words: 843

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒔h𝒖t 𝒖p )˚✧₊⁎ 。depression and obsession don't mix wellwords: 843

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