right there

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i don't think i'm making my stories sad enough゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒉e𝒚, 𝒚o𝒖 𝒕h𝒆r𝒆? )˚✧₊⁎ 。

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i don't think i'm making my stories sad enough
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒉e𝒚, 𝒚o𝒖 𝒕h𝒆r𝒆? )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓔𝔂𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓼 slowly opened up. Immediately squinting at the harsh bathroom glow. Arising from the overfilled bathwater, the teen rubbed at his eyes. Coincidentally, getting blood all over his face.

Once he recalled what he was performing, he looked down at his wrist. Recognizing the tremendous cuts on both of his wrists. He sulked. "I can't even kill myself properly."

Katsuki got up from the tub, his clothes heavy and soaked making it almost impossible to stand properly. Coming towards the sink, he saw how everything seemed so much harder to grasp.

The numbness in his fingers resulting in everything being so much harder than he needed.

Running the sink water, he scrubbed the blood off of his wrist and face. The water whirling red with the stream of blood. "I think I have extra bandages in the room."


Fingers sloped around the bandages that were coated by a gray gloomy sleeve. Coming down the stairs, he sighted his two parents. Yawing, he infiltrated the kitchen.


No answer. Katsuki raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Uh—hello?"

He understood that he didn't have the best connection with his parents. But they constantly said good morning to each other. Were they still mad about that stupid fight yesterday?

Katsuki rolled his eyes, determining not to even grab a plate and escape out of the door. The gush of wind from his departure made the married couple glance at once another.

Going down the direction towards UA, Katsuki noticed how much weirder the day was. Was this how it felt after a failed suicide attempt? God, he hated it. No one paid any attention to him.

Which he cherished.

But it was odd. He was frequently met with adults and even some children pointing him out for winning the Sports Festival. Or his aggressiveness he displayed on full screen for the nation to see.

Either way, he got some category of attention. Katsuki shrugged it off. Happy that it was one of those days that was just steady and collective. Entering school grounds, he scrambled towards his locker.

Irritated that people were enveloping it. Rolling his eyes, he glared at them. "Can you fucking move?"

They paid no mind to him. Katsuki snarled. "Hey! Fucking move!"

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