7 rings

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i'm so sorry i'm late on this! but, i had actually had a different story last night, except it was rushed, and kinda bad

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i'm so sorry i'm late on this! but, i had actually had a different story last night, except it was rushed, and kinda bad. but i woke up, thought of this one, and here we are. i actually really like it :)

highly recommend listening to the song
viewer discretion is advised
゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒑r𝒆t𝒕𝒚 𝒓e𝒄k𝒍e𝒔s )˚✧₊⁎ 。

𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 commotions of boisterous music and drunk teens seemed to speak out in the community. A committee of teens strolled out of their friend's house, passing the kids around the front lawn.

"Hey—how are we gonna get—to the dorms?" Kaminari implored, his words relatively slurred and sluggish. A loud clearing of Kirishima's throat made everyone turn to him.

Twirling in his finger, sat a pair of car keys. The group pumping Kirishima up, as Sero and Kaminari fisted bumping him.

"Where's your car at Kirishima?" Sero asked excitedly, his head somewhat banging. The redhead glimpsed around the neighborhood, before snapping his fingers as he pointed.

A red truck in the distance as everyone oozed over the automobile. Crossing the street carefully, Jirou and Mina laughed in the back as they accidentally bumped into each other.

The car clicked to alert everyone that it was indeed unlocked. As Katsuki and Kirishima clambered into the front seats, the remainder of the Bakusquad clasped into the back seat.

"Everyone—good?" Kirishima hesitated as he hiccuped. Everyone lusting out some kind of acknowledgment.

Just as the car started up, everyone was pumped for the ride. "Guys, guys! Look what I was able to sneak out!"

Kaminari yanked his backpack open, enabling everyone to view the extra boozes he was able to sneak out. "What do we wanna do first?"

"Definitely the vodka!" agreeing with Mina's recommendation, Kaminari brought out the vodka bottle. The bottle opened up, with Kaminari taking the first swig off it.

The Bakusquad cheered him on, as Kirishima cheered him on while he watched from the rearview mirror. Sticking his tongue out from the influential taste of the liquid, he passed it off towards Mina and Jirou.

Katsuki looked up ahead in the distance. Able to somewhat see some sort of tunnel, he started slapping the others behind him. "There's a tunnel! Who's willing to drink and stand while the sunroof is open?"

Katsuki hiccuped, trying to conserve his vision. But, he got the other's attention. The blonde nudged on the sunroof's button, the roof gradually began to open up to the external world.

Sero snatched the bottle from the two girls, readying himself to stand up. As everyone shouted him on, Sero had stood up in the truck. Yelling out curses and nonsense in the echoing tunnel.

Seizing his swig of the vodka, he pumped his hands up in thrill. Just as they had gotten to the end of the tunnel, Sero sat back down in the seat. Shortly passing his drink off to Katsuki in the front.

The car sweeps around a mountainside road, the highway moderately dark. But the headlights appeared to light the way. Kirishima circled in his seat, somewhat glimpsing back at the road.

"Kaminari, pass me one of the bottles. I want a drink before Katsuki fucking finishes it." Kirishima joked as Katsuki laughed out loud.

"Fuck you, you bitch!" the couple laughed, just as Kaminari passed Kirishima another one of the bottles.

Solidifying his finger, Kirishima popped the cap off of the alcohol. The front seat passengers chugging down the bottles. "Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Finishing the drinks, both laughed as Katsuki had won the round. "Ha! I—won!"

His voice hiccuped and his words were much more slurred. Katsuki was hardly able to make eye contact with someone. "It's cause you had less in yours! I practically chugged half of that bitch!"

As the redhead confronted the road, he immediately veered on the steering wheel as he saw a car coming in the opposing direction. Failing to realize he was on the opposite side of the road.

The tires screeched loudly just as the laugher and excitement seeped from the car. The group attempting to stable themselves as they worriedly looked out the window.

The tires still wailed as the car tumbled around. "Eijiro! What the hell!"

"The car won't stop fucking spinning after I swerved it-!" panicking as he struggled to call the vehicle down, Katsuki's face paled as he looked up ahead. Beginning to violently slap at Kirishima's arm, his breathing got erratic.

"E-Eijiro. The fencing. You're going to hit the fucking fencing, stop the damn car!"

"Hold on!—"

"No! Stop the car! There's a river below! We're going to go overboard!—"


The car jerked to the side, crashing into the fencing that blocked off the mountainside from the road. The truck flying out towards the ground. Waters below appeared to be ridiculing them with its fatal gleam.

The truck started diving down into the ground, everyone screaming and panicking. Katsuki clasping Kirishima's arm in terror.

"Eijiro!" the redhead seemed to be in shock as Katsuki strived to knock him out of it. "Eijiro, I can't swim when I'm wasted like this! Eijiro! Damnit! I can't swim!—"

An audible eruption of commotion sprung through the air as the car had made contact with the river down below.

゚˚✧₊⁎( 𝒑r𝒆t𝒕𝒚 𝒓e𝒄k𝒍e𝒔s )˚✧₊⁎ 。
i don't need the city tonight
i just wanna drive and drive
dancing in the dark is fine
'cuz I got bright lights in my mind
words: 920

don't drink and drive. it's not only your life on the line, you could be endangering someone else's

 it's not only your life on the line, you could be endangering someone else's

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